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Chapter V


Table of Contents

1. THINK not, O man, the Gods always deliver the nations of the earth in a day or by miracles. They go to the foundation of a matter; they make man a servant to help deliver himself. They stir up the nations in rites and ceremonies first; then come after, and appropriate the rites and ceremonies. And the women look on, receiving the spirit of the matter in their souls, the which entaileth on their offspring that which is desired by the Gods.

2. With the hosts of high heaven, unseen by mortals, the Lords stir up the whole world. In one generation, behold, a new race is born. Man is unfitted for dangerous war, and no longer the delight of drujas hanging around. And the drujas, and the familiars, turn from the peaceful earth (to them stale and unprofitable in bloody entertainments), to find their own petty kingdoms broken down and gone.

3. Be wise, O man, and ye angels of earth! Hear the voice of thy brother, God of three worlds! I will tell thee a great secret: These are the words of thy Creator: Man and woman are pro-creators! Whom they beget, are theirs, saith Jehovih. Not for a day, but forever! Take heed of thy offspring, O woman! Take heed, O man! Wilt thou be entailed with druj, to pull thee down? Wilt thou choose offspring to glorify Jehovih?

4. Have not thy people boasted, O earth? Have they not said: O the poor ancients! What of them? Will they turn away from the idols of Apollo, and set up on their own account? Can the people hand down a name and models to live forever?

5. So I founded Gau in the place Hored had been, extending over Jaffeth, Shem and Ham; and the rest of the atmospherean heaven I divided amongst my ten thousand Lords and Lordesses, whom I selected and ordained in the manner of the ancients.

6. And the Lords established themselves in kingdoms, both on earth and in heaven. And they inspired kings and queens to erect images in the temples, and the images were given a name signifying Harmony, Symmetry and Music (Apollo). And the names varied in many countries, because of the languages of the people; but the significance was that these three entities comprised the All Light, the Creator, Jehovih!

7. And mortals were taught by the inspiration of angels how to make the images, for there were no corporeans sufficiently perfect for models.

8. According to the perfection of the images, so were they reckoned favored by Jehovih; and the sign of Jehovih's approval was manifested in the time of the sacred dance given by the su'is selected; which was, if the whirling dance caused many women to fall down by enchantment, then was Jehovih pleased.

9. Hear me, O man. The enchantment of the women was what the Lords desired, for the impression of the soul of woman shapeth the unborn child.

10. Wherefore, they worshipped blindly before the idols, not being sufficiently wise to understand how Jehovih was laying down the foundation for the coming race.

11. O ye of little wisdom, compared with the Lords of heaven! How ye are puffed up in judgment, not knowing the race whence ye sprang! Jehovih's Gods and Lords mold the inhabitants of the earth as clay is molded in a potter's hand. They set them up and show them the way, and say to them: Go!

12. And mortals go on a little while, like a young child that tottereth and falleth. And again the Lords set them up; and man, in ingratitude, forgetteth and denieth his God.

13. The unseen angels lead man and woman together, and say: Marry! And they wed, and bring forth of the Lord. Then man inquireth: What meanest thou: Bring forth of the Lord? But his judgment is under a cloud; he flattereth himself that Jehovih created him, and then went away; and since then he hath been his own master!

14. O man, what is thy folly! How has thou found such cunning ways to put off thy Creator? What profit more hast thou to put Him away than to try and perceive Him in all things? Why wilt thou sing of man who is in darkness, and of the earth, which is but a fraction of the Great I Am? Hopest thou not for wisdom, so that guardian angels may go away and rest?

15. Why shall they stand over thee day and night, to keep away familiars and fetals and drujas? Who shall close thy mouth against falsehood, and thy lips against cursing thy Creator? Hopest thou not, O man, that a wiser age will follow? When shall man learn harmony, symmetry and music? Who will hire a musician that forever putteth his instrument out of tune? Why shall the Gods applaud men or angels who live not attuned to the All Highest?

16. Show me one who is as good as he understandeth to be; that liveth as wisely as his goodness desireth he should. He will understand my words; I can come to him and inspire him with great wisdom. He will comprehend the love a God hath over mortals; and the patience of the toiling Lords and angels.

17. Hear me, O man! I will answer thee a great matter: The angels of heaven who are good, labor for those beneath them. This is their work, day and night. Think not that they go away to idleness forever. To the etherean, industry becometh rest; to those who have attained to be Gods there is spontaneous growth forever. Remember this and be wise. To the atmospherean and to mortals, idleness of soul leadeth downward forever! Remember this also, and be wise.

18. Behold the rose and the lily; they are perfect in their order. Being one with Jehovih, they painted not themselves. Let thy soul practice with thy Creator, and thou shalt become one with Him, even His Son. Find thou the symmetry of flesh, the symmetry of the spirit; the harmony of music, 2 and consider wisely thy behavior.

19. The star of Jehovih is within thy soul; feed it, O man, and thou, O angel of heaven, and it will grow to be a God! Rob it, or starve it, and thou shalt remain nothing. It is weak and dim in the vain; it is bright and of great power in him who forgetteth himself in laboring for others.


2 Music here refers to general expression or action; in other words, gracefulness in all things. The ancient Greeks gave a similar interpretation to the word music.

Oahspe: A New Bible

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