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Chapter II


Table of Contents

1. I, Apollo, earth-born, of the continent Pan, submerged by Aph, the Orian Chief, by Jehovih's command, proclaim in the name of the Father, Creator of worlds, peace and wisdom unto all nations and tribes of men: First, against all vanity and self-conceit in the souls of men, wherein every cycle asserteth itself wise and great and learned, and the ancients, fools.

2. For the evidence of wisdom lieth not in learning one thing only, but in the adaptation of man to Jehovih and His works. In which measure, the modern and the ancient stand not upon their judgment in the matter, but by Jehovih's.

3. For if the ancient was not perfect in his place, neither art thou, O man, of this day. But before the Gods are all the ages adapted as Jehovih created them; judge not Him, for thy judgment is limited. That which was profitable to the soul of man, the Father revealed to the ancients; that which is profitable to the soul of man to-day, revealeth He this day.

4. For which reason I, His Son, am come to fulfill my labor, even as all men, in time, must complete that which hath been assigned them.

5. To rebuke vanity and self-conceit in them that perceive not wisdom in things long past, but applaud themselves without just measure before Jehovih. Wherein the Gods perceive their vanity, and pity them, hoping rather to exalt their minds, that they may learn to perceive the Father's hand manifested in all things.

6. Turn thine eyes inward, O man, and look at the spirit of things; make thyself as a God looking down on a new earth, where man hath been quickened into life and attained to strength and learning. Behold his palaces and temples; his work in stone and iron, and gold and silver; his knowledge of the sun and moon and stars; with written books to read; with clothes for the body and shoes for the feet. With great generals, and armies of soldiers; and with the land cultivated.

7. Are these civilized? And war abounding! By what right hast thou made thyself a judge, O man! Who hath measured the inhabitants of the earth and found them pure and wise? Do more people now live on the land in peace and happiness than in many of the cycles past? Because thou art different in many excellencies, thou shalt also remember that many great inventions are forgotten. The world hath been peopled over many times, and many times laid desolate.

8. Who hath been the chief enemy to man? Who is his chief enemy to-day? Is it not thyself? Think not, O man, that because a few people perceive the Higher Light the world is wise and good before the Gods. For in all ages there have been a few. Yea, to-day, there are a few more in number than in the ancient days. And this is the sum of the enlightenment of the world.

9. Hear me, O man of earth, and ye angels of heaven: I proclaim harmony, symmetry and music. I am of the days of the fountain of these talents descending to mortals. I was as a shapely stone in Jehovih's edifice, and by hard toil a fashioner of the flesh mold of man and woman.

10. As the ear of one man heareth music, and he crieth out with delight: A tune! a tune! And as the ear of another man heareth music, and he cannot discern, and he crieth out: A noise! a hideous noise! Wherefore, then, shall ye not judge them, and say: The one hath an ear for music, and the other not? The one is one with the music; the other, being discordant himself, declareth there is no tune, but only noise. To which will ye give preference in judgment as to music?

11. Who hath not beholden Jehovih, the All Person? Who is it that crieth out: I behold Him not? No harmony, no symmetry, no music, no complete whole? And to which will ye give preference in judgment? Is not the judgment of the perceiver higher than he who perceiveth not?

12. This declare I of Jehovih, that in all ages there are many who perceive the All Person, and many who deny Him. If, then, the lack of an ear for music maketh a man dumb to a tune, is it not the lack of spiritual harmony that that causeth man to perceive not the everlasting presence of Jehovih, the All Person?

13. Hear me, O angels and men: Can a man learn to sing who heareth not the harmony of a tune? How much less, then, can man, or the spirits of the dead, harmonize with the Eternal Whole if they perceive Him not?

Oahspe: A New Bible

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