Читать книгу Oahspe: A New Bible - John Ballou Newbrough - Страница 113

Chapter II


Table of Contents

1. THE Lord came down to man on the earth, and spake to man in two ways: By the voice, as man speaketh; and by the spirit, as soul answereth to soul.

2. The Lord said: The voice of man is air in motion; by the mouth of man cometh the word of knowledge.

3. But back of the voice; back of the air in motion; back of the mouth, which giveth voice, there lieth the soul, which it is that causeth man to think of speaking. And the soul lieth in the ocean of the Creator, Who is God of all.

4. The Lord said: That that speaketh to thy soul, O man, teaching thee wisdom and good works; reproving thee for thy faults, and enchanting thee with the glories of all created things, is the voice of thy Creator. And that is the road by which the Lord thy God cometh to thee.

5. The Lord said: Behold, man hath attained to written knowledge; now shall he have books, and learn to keep records, after the manner of the angels in heaven. Then God sent angels down to man, speaking both by the soul and by the voice; in different places and to different rab'bahs, teaching them how to make books of skins, and of bark, and of cloth, for the graven words and images which he had taught man.

6. In these days the lands of Jaffeth and Shem and Ham were inhabited by millions of I'huans and Ghans; but the countries lying between them were inhabited by I'huans only.

7. And God spake to the people of Ham, saying: Behold, there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write with Panic words, even as ye do.

8. And the Hamites inquired: How far are the two other countries? Where are they?

9. The Lord said: Gather together a thousand men and women, and I will lead you to your brethren, whose forefathers were also saved from the flood; saved by the sacred little people, the I'hins. Provide ye oxen and asses and all things requisite for a journey of four years, and I will lead you.

10. The Hamites obeyed God, and provided themselves as commanded; into two companies of a thousand each equipped they themselves, and started on their journey for Jaffeth and Shem.

11. Then spake God to the people of Jaffeth, saying: Behold, there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write with Panic words, even as ye do.

12. The Jaffeth'yans said: How far are the two other countries? Where are they?

13. The Lord said: Gather together a thousand men and women, and I will lead you to your brethren, whose forefathers were also saved from the flood; saved by the sacred little people, the I'hins. Provide ye in all things requisite for a journey of four years, and I will lead you.

14. The Jaffeth'yans obeyed God, and provided themselves as commanded; into two companies of a thousand each equipped they themselves and started for Ham and Shem.

15. Then spake the Lord to the people of Shem in the same way, telling them of Jaffeth and Ham; and they also equipped themselves in two companies and started for Ham and Jaffeth.

16. Thus provided God these three separate peoples to go and visit one another, and all in the same period of time. And God said unto them, ere they started: Very fierce and savage are the I'huans who inhabit the wilderness on the way. Behold, they eat the flesh of both man and beast. But they will not harm the I'hins; therefore, O my beloved, on your long journey take with you two score of I'hins. Through the I'hins can the Lord your God speak all languages, even the language of the barbarians, the I'huans.

17. Leave all things in the hands of the Lord God.

18. So it came to pass, after a journey of four years, the migrants from each country came to the place of their destination. And by their written and spoken words knew they one another; and they called themselves the three children of the arc of Noe.

19. And the Lord said unto them in each of the countries whither they had come: Provide records unto the work of God; for these journeys shall be remembered to the end of the world.

20. And in all these countries there were made images of stone and copper, and engravings thereon of the children of Noe, and of the flood, and of the sacred tribes, Shem, Ham and Jaffeth.

21. God said: These shall be preserved as the first written names of these lands. 2 And it was so.


2 JA'FUNG is the Chinese for Jaffeth, and is the oldest original name of the country. Shem is the Vedic word for land, or country (India). Ham, as the student is aware, is A'ham, the original name of Egypt (Egupt). Legends of the flood, and of the journeys related above, are still existing in these countries.

Oahspe: A New Bible

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