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Chapter VIII
Оглавление1. THUS Osire established Vibhraj, the resplendent heaven, with a thousand and eight hundred sub-kingdoms, in atmospherea, all under the commandments of the central kingdom. And then he established the roadways between them, and appointed seven hundred thousand messengers. After that he ordained proper officers for inter-communion; and the several sub-kingdoms established their places of learning and places of labor; their hospitals and nurseries, and their innumerable asaphs, the receivers of es'yans, the newborn spirits of the dead of earth.
2. Osire said: Behold, there is order in heaven. Now will I appoint a God to hold dominion two hundred years. For whilst the dawn of dan yet remaineth, I will assist him. Let the examiners search, then, amongst my hosts, from such as sprang from the earth, such one as standeth clear on the record, and chief in rank.
3. So the examiners searched; and after thirty days, they selected Konas; and when Osire was informed, he sent a thousand of his own attendants, in an otevan, and they brought Konas to Vibhraj, to Jehovih's throne. Osire said:
4. Greeting, in the name of the Father! Thou art chosen above all others; and, after the dawn of dan is ended, thou shalt be God of heaven and earth for two hundred years. Before the ascent of my hosts and of myself, behold, I will crown thee. Till then, thou shalt sit on my throne, and fill my place whilst I am absent.
5. I have now restored order in heaven, having given all the inhabitants a single purpose in concert, whereby their resurrection is surely founded. Now will I go down to the false Lords' kingdoms, on the earth, and to the mortal kings and queens, and restore order there also.
6. Konas said: Thy will and Jehovih's be done! I am exalted and rejoiced in what is bestowed upon me. Make me strong and wise, O Jehovih, that I may glorify Thy kingdoms!
7. So, after due preparation, Osire departed privately, taking with him one hundred thousand attendants, going down to the earth and to the false Lords' kingdoms, in the cities and temples of mortals.
8. Seven days Osire spent traveling round about the earth, visiting angels and mortals, but telling none who he was, or what was his object; and then he halted his otevan, which had been built for the purpose, in the regions of the mountains of We-ont-ka-woh, in Western Jaffeth. He said:
9. We-ont-ka-woh shall be my headquarters for a season. Here, then, will I found the first Lord's kingdom for mortals; and inasmuch as mortals have made an idol of Apollo, so will I cast down Apollo, and make them know that I, Osire, am Lord of the earth. Then spake We'taing, saying:
10. Behold the glory of Jehovih from the first! In our journey around the earth, we have found the I'hins not idolators, but still worshippers of the Great Spirit, Jehovih. But as to the half-breeds, who can understand them? They believe nothing; they believe everything. They ask the idol for rain, and for dry weather! For strength to slay the druks; for flesh to eat, and for famine to be visited on their enemies.
11. They are as living prey for druj to feast on; they invite the darkest of all evil. And to do their wills in return, the druj, the evil spirits, busy themselves inoculating the air with poison to kill their enemies.
12. Osire said: With the I'hins we have little to do; but as to the Ghans and the I'huans, they shall be converted into disbelievers of all spirits, save two, Jehovih and satan.
13. To accomplish which end, I will give them three figures: The signs of seasons, which shall represent the Creator in all the parts of the living; the sign of the sun, with motion and all life coming forth; and the hand of man.