Читать книгу Dorian Gray - John Garavaglia - Страница 66


Deep in the shadows of the alley behind the building where the target was believed to be sighted, the security squad lined up behind their captain, waiting for the signal. He scanned the back entrance with the aid of night-vision goggles that cast the entire area around them in pale green. There was no reason to assume there was any sort of ambush waiting, but he last as long as he had because he operated on the belief that there was never a reason not to assure there was an ambush.

He surveyed the area a few moments more and then said confidently, “Clear.”

Two of the shadows along the wall detached themselves and moved into a crunch toward the back door.

His men treaded cautiously side by side and they had their rifles at the ready, and balaclavas covering their faces. They all moved to the back door, but in the meantime, the scout had come in through the front, making certain that Gray didn’t try to beat a retreat in that direction. They converged at the opposite side and slowly advanced.

Gunfire broke out in the alley behind the trains. There was a sighting of Dorian Gray over the hostile band. Vicious commandos, desperate to get away, opened fire on Dorian, who returned fire with extreme prejudice. The sound echoed off the grimy brick walls of the area. Bullets ricocheted off the rusted worn out cars. Frightened rats scurried for safety. Broken glass,


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Dorian Gray

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