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Then someone ran into him from behind.

The impact stunned him—his weapon flew from his hands, and he hit the ground hard with his chest, managing to turn just enough at the last second to catch the ground with part of his shoulder, too, so that he could use the momentum to roll to his feet.

As he turned to face his attacker, he heard the gunfire begin.

While his opponent was distracted, Dorian executed an arm bar and judo flipped the masked trooper. The enemy pulled out his sidearm in a last ditch effort to take out the most dangerous man alive. As soon as Dorian saw the gun, he grabbed the barrel and jerked it sideways, making the restrained commando shoot himself.

After scavenging the slain assassin for ammo, Dorian climbed up a service latter to get a bird’s eye view on the rest of the hostiles. He was careful on not being spotted and made sure the light didn’t catch his shadow. Dorian finally made his way to the top of the tower to see the melee being played out right below him.

Looking down, he saw five people dressed in all black and wearing face-covering masks. They were loaded for bear. Each of them carried at least two guns that Dorian could see, and a variety of other pieces of equipment he couldn’t make out—it was all black on black.

Looks like I made it to the party, Dorian observed grimly. Who’s got the soda and chips?


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Dorian Gray

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