Читать книгу Dorian Gray - John Garavaglia - Страница 58


He stepped forward, placing one foot upon the top of the gutter. He licked his lips nervously, took another deep breath, and pushed off from the ledge.


Dorian slid down the gutter like an extreme snowboarder. His blood was singing in his ears, and a hot wind blew against his face as he zoomed down the rickety slide. Gulls and pigeons bolted from their perches in alarm, startled by the young man’s unprecedented descent. It rushed through him like an oncoming elevator as he tried to bail out as he reached the bottom, but he was going way too fast.

He jumped at the last second and with agility that would have sickened an Olympic gymnast, Dorian dodged the bullets and swooped low, hitting the ground in a crouch position like he was his childhood hero Spider-Man. He was smiling and threw up a victorious fist pump.

During times like these, Dorian followed three key elements:

Acceleration, speed, and of course, emotional self-packing.

Unpredictability and adrenaline are the byproducts, but he remembered to drive is to feel and to love is to live.

After sprinting across the rooftop, he launched his body and caught the gutter of the next one, shimmying down the drainpipe till he hung just above the roof level of the next building over. Bracing his feet against the wall, Dorian pushed himself backward, until the drainpipe gave way, jogging from its


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Dorian Gray

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