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machine-gun nest took after him—both of them were wearing green camouflage, one tall, and the other short.

Dorian easily picked them off like they were ducks at the shooting gallery in Coney Island. Doubling back to the machine-gun nest, Dorian found the other three shooters had retained their attention to his team, trying to mow them down. But Dorian took care of them before they could even pull the trigger.

Henry knew Dorian was the best soldier, but also the most dangerous. Not just to the enemy but also to his teammates…and himself.

Dorian could hear Henry scoff at the other end. “I know what you are capable of, man. But you need a babysitter.”

Dorian smiled. “Why, Henry, I didn’t know you cared.”


“Fine, if it makes you feel better send over a squad to my position.”

The first bullet whistled past Dorian’s ear.

“HOLY SHIT!!” Dorian screamed, nearly toppling off his perch.

“Dorian? DORIAN!” Henry was going ballistic over the com-link system. “Report. What’s your status?”

Dorian looked down to see several snipers taking aim. He couldn’t help to smile.

“Now this party has officially started.” He said to Henry, cocking his gun.

“Don’t worry, buddy. Help is on the way.” Henry replied. “Bravo Team, calling Bravo Team. Pretty Boy needs assistance.”


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Dorian Gray

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