Читать книгу Dorian Gray - John Garavaglia - Страница 55


Though Henry’s kidding riffs could bring a welcome tension break, but now was not the time.

“You don’t have to do this lone gunslinger act, Dorian.” Henry said, with concern. “You should have brought backup.”

“And let them have all the fun? I think not.”

Henry remembered the last mission he went on with Dorian. Their team was a good ten klicks away from their objective until machine-gun fire erupted all around them.

Two of Dorian’s men went down, and the rest dove, finding cover wherever they could. Pinned by two machine-gun nests, the team seemed powerless to fight back. The two nests were fifty yards ahead, one to the left and one to the right, catching the insertion team in a lethal crossfire.

Dorian rose and took off to his right, sprinting serpentine through the woods, screaming as he went, drawing the fire of both enemy positions.

Still, lungs burning, Dorian kept moving.

Behind him, his team was able to start returning fire, and the withering fusillade aimed at Dorian somewhat abated.

Circling around, Dorian came up behind the five men in the machine-gun nest on the right, and emptied the clip of his M-16 their way. The primary weapon and every other gun in the nest turned in Dorian’s direction, and started blasting with no regard for any of their comrades who might still be drawing breath.

Hightailing it out, Dorian used the cover fire from his team to circle back into the woods. Two bad guys from the surviving


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Dorian Gray

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