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The rookie exhaled, steeled himself. “You heard the boss,” he said to his comrades, “let’s saddle up.”

The agents spread out in positions along the roof. Henry, naturally, had chosen the spot where he could fire the first fatal shots at the enemy.

They’d know the stakes now.

“I have a valid target,” Henry announced, leveling his sniper rifle.

Dorian whipped his binoculars to his eyes and brought the approaching figures into focus.

“You’re cleared to fire,” Dorian said, and immediately a resounding boom filled the train yard around him, so loud he couldn’t help flinching.

The shell didn’t hit its target; it never came close. The rest of the team opened up, and Dorian was surrounded by the sound of spent casings rattling off the walls and floor. Every man here was a crack marksman, and this was point-blank range. The only pause in the murderous volleys was when someone had to replace an empty magazine. In the space of a few frantic minutes, they expended better than half their munitions…

…and found themselves with absolutely nothing to show for it.

A team in full body armor—it was hard for Dorian to tell who was who, there were so many of them.

Too astonished to be scared, the troopers gradually stopped firing. A couple looked to Dorian, hoping for a Plan B. In the


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Dorian Gray

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