Читать книгу Dorian Gray - John Garavaglia - Страница 49



Behind every exquisite thing that existed,

there was something tragic.

Oscar Wilde.

Olivia Gray was buried in a cemetery on Long Island. Dorian stood at the back of a small crowd of mourners. The turnout was immense for the funeral of such a prominent woman who was not a politician or a titan of industry.

The funeral procession began at the church, where a scowling minister gave a long and droning speech about how fragile life is and the enduring suffering of the grave. It was far, far worse than the sermon. At least in the church there was someone specific at whom Dorian could direct his frustration and anger, but now it was a slow march to the place where his mother’s body would rest forever.

Rest, and rot, and probably be forgotten in little more than a month.

There were no more Grays except for his father, who no one has ever seen in six years.

Dorian watched the coffin that contained his mother was being lowered into an oblong hole. Some of the mourners were crying softly and a few of them looked at Dorian, as though trying to gauge his feelings. He


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Dorian Gray

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