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like he was at peace, and over time he accepted the reality of his mother not being there for him anymore.

Henry grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed his face, and then chased it with an ice cold Coke. “Dude, watch this part.” He said to Dorian, nearly knocking over his snacks. “The tiny guy is gonna flay the skin offa the big guy.”

Dorian pointed at the screen and started laughing. “I’ve seen this before too…actually twice. Both times with you, and you don’t have at least the courtesy of establishing a ‘spoiler alert’ before you ruin a scene.”

“Don’t you boys have anything better to do?” Said a voice from the kitchen. Dorian turned his head to find his stepmother Lori Lord wearing a very formfitting black cocktail dress. The ensemble was completed with a Cosmopolitan in her hand that she was rarely seen without. “If it’s not video games or some gory piece of trash, do you ever engage in anything useful?”

Like topping off your Cosmo for the third time this afternoon? Dorian silently seethed.

In her younger days Lori had graced the cover on every magazine that has ever been published. Then she briefly transitioned into a short film career. One of them was a Segal flick—before he got too fat to kick. And now she spends her days organizing fundraisers and her own clothing line.

She’s wearing more makeup than usual, Dorian saw. He saw tension in his stepmother’s cheeks as she entered the room.


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Dorian Gray

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