Читать книгу Leading from the In-Between - John McAuley - Страница 16



Leadership guru Stephen Covey famously wrote that leaders “begin with the end in mind.” Leadership is always about ends, goals and results.

What is the end goal for leadership development with young people? That young people would look at their world and say “It doesn’t have to be this way” and do something about it. They would be the bridge. Leadership is inextricably connected to change. Leadership begins with change, and leaders navigate change—by bridging the in-between, from the dissatisfied now to the preferred future.

What are the means to inspire and equip emerging leaders to shape their world? By building the substructure—cadence, character and competence.

This book is written for the mentors, coaches and sages who are pouring themselves into the next generation. You may be working with emerging leaders in the Christian context—in a church, youth organization or community program. Or you may be working with young people in other contexts—a school, community centre, club or team. Regardless of the in-between spaces in which you encounter young people, I believe you will find plenty of value here to carry into your work.

How can emerging leaders be the bridge? What are the critical issues for today’s emerging leaders on character, competence and cadence? How do we see, stretch and support them? What specific strategies work for leadership development with young people? How do we inspire them to change their world? Read on.

2 Melinda Sinclair, “See-Stretch-Support,” The Leadership Coach’s Advantage (April 2013): 32-37

Leading from the In-Between

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