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Each week, five new books on leadership hit the market.

As one writer said, “We may be out of trees before we understand leadership.”

This book is my contribution.

Leadership is situational. The dynamics of leadership cannot be reduced to a rigid formula. Sometimes, more experienced leaders are in front, paving the way. In other situations, they are walking alongside. And then there are occasions when they lead from below. The more experienced leader surrenders to the less experienced and invites them to “stand on my shoulders.”

My preference is to multi-image leadership dynamics as bridges. When working with emerging leaders, we can be the bridge. We can bridge what is with what can be. Other situations require us to be bridge builders. The challenge is to span the distance of “the in-between.” Whatever the distance, the objective is to get over the bridge together. The best way to think about the frameworks that comprise this book is to envision us crossing bridges with emerging leaders.

Like the basic model, this book is structured around three triads. The first triad is cadence, character and competence. These are the footings we need to form in emerging leaders to anchor their ongoing leadership development. The second triad is mentors, coaches and sages. These are the three roles that, especially woven together, accompany and inspire young people toward a life of exceptional leadership. The final triad is see, stretch and support. These are the strategies we use to help emerging leaders traverse the distance between the reality of their world now and the preferred future they want to build.

This book is full of real-life stories that express and amplify other theories and research about leadership development for emerging leaders. Some stories come from my early roots, and others are from the more recent past. My leadership model was birthed and operationalized with young people at Muskoka Woods, and much of what I have learned comes from there. Scattered throughout this book are quotes from young people who have participated in Muskoka Woods’ CEO leadership development program. These quotes are from interviews of participants in this program by my colleague Chris Tompkins for his master’s degree research.1 The stories and quotes help remind us that this book is more about practice than theory. Leadership development plays out in the real lives of real young people, and effective leadership development experiences have to have real consequences. The stories bring those to light.

All of us operate from a worldview that shapes who we are, and mine is framed by my Christian faith. The Psalms—that beautiful set of biblical poetry of wisdom, confession, lament, thanksgiving and praise—have sustained my leadership over the years. They have given me permission as a leader to say, I’m afraid, I don’t have the answers and I need help. Phil Geldart, founder and chief executive officer of Eagle’s Flight, is one of my most important mentors and has spent hundreds of hours with me, helping me shape my view of leadership development. Early on in our relationship, Phil introduced me to Psalm 78:70–72, which says, “He chose David his servant…and David shepherded them with integrity of heart; [and] with skillful hands.” That verse, which weaves around the ideas of character, competence and cadence, helped me uncover this leadership model.

I find immense inspiration in the lives of great leaders, but none more than Jesus. Each day I ask myself, am I allowing the beauty and character of Jesus to be reflected in my life and my leadership? After all, who doesn’t want life to the full, where love, joy, peace, kindness and gentleness reign? I am convinced that life is not an accident. We are all created and loved by God. I believe that the best of life happens when we are a living exhibition of life with God.

My worldview is reflected in this book, but I hope I have expressed it in a way that opens up conversation and connection rather than closing it down. My favourite and most stimulating conversations are usually with people who see life differently than I do.

Finally, I read very widely on leadership, management and youth development. I am sometimes unaware of when other people’s words have become mine. I have tried my best in this book to give credit to the people who have shaped my ideas. However, if you see something and recognize its source, please send me an email so I can ensure that the people are acknowledged rightly for their work.

This book is written for people who are pouring their lives and energy into emerging leaders, that fascinating group of young men and women who are living in an in-between stage of life, ripe for growth, learning and inspiration. In a world of leadership books, my hope is that this one not only affirms what you know but also gifts you with something new you haven’t yet discovered.

John McAuley


1 For the purpose of anonymity all the names have been changed.

Leading from the In-Between

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