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one; first

イチ ICHI イツ ITSU ひと hito ひと • つ hito(tsu)

The character 一, a single line, indicates the number one.


Example Sentences

1. コピーを一枚とって。

Kopii o ichimai totte.

Make one copy of this!

2. 彼はいつも電車の一番前に乗る。

Kare wa itsumo densha no ichiban mae ni noru.

He always rides in the very front of the train.

3. 私は一週間に二回外食する。

Watashi wa isshūkan ni nikai gaishoku suru.

I eat out twice a week.

4. 一休みしましよう。

Hitoyasumi shimashō.

Let's take a break.

5. みかんを一つもらいました。

Mikan o hitotsu moraimashita.

I was given a (one) mandarin.

Common Compounds and Phrases
一枚ichimaione (sheet, slice)
一番ichibanthe first; the most
一週間isshūkanone week
一休みhitoyasumia rest, a break
*一日tsuitachi; ichinichithe first day of the month; one day
*一人hitorione person



キュウ KYŪ ク KU ここの • つ kokono(tsu) ここの kokono

The character 九 depicted a bent elbow, an ancient way of indicating the number nine.


Example Sentences

1. 鉛筆が九本そこにあります。

Enpitsu ga kyūhon soko ni arimasu.

There are nine pencils there.

2. 彼は九死に一生をえた。

Kare wa kyūshi ni isshō o eta.

He narrowly escaped death.

3. 東京まで九時間かかった。

Tōkyō made kujikan kakatta.

It took me nine hours to get to Tokyo.

4. 袋にあめが九つ入っていた。

Fukuro ni ame ga kokonotsu haitte ita.

There were nine pieces of candy in the paper bag.

5. 九日から授業が始まる。

Kokonoka kara jugyō ga hajimaru.

Classes begin on the ninth of the month.

Common Compounds and Phrases
九本kyūhonnine (long, thin cylindrical objects)
九ヶ月kyūkagetsunine months
九時間kujikannine hours
九九kukumultiplication (times) table
九日kokonokanine days; the ninth day of the month



シチ SHICHI なな nana なな • つ nana(tsu) *なの nano

The character 七,represented an ancient way of signaling seven, using the hands. Think of this character as a combination of five fingers and two.


Example Sentences

1. 七月七日は七夕です。

Shichigatsu nanoka wa tanabata desu.

July 7 is the Tanabata Festival.

2. この本は七千円しました。

Kono hon wa nanasen-en shimashita.

This book cost seven thousand yen.

3. 七つ目の駅で降りてください。

Nanatsume no eki de orite kudasai.

Please get off at the seventh station.

4. 一週間は七日です。

Isshūkan wa nanoka desu.

There are seven days in a week.

5. あの歌手は七色の声をもっている。

Ano kashu wa nanairo no koe o motte iru.

That singer can use many different voices.

Common Compounds and Phrases
七時shichijiseven o'clock
七五三shichigosanfestival (November 15) for children aged 3, 5 and 7
七千nanasenseven thousand
七つ目nanatsumethe seventh (one)
*七日nanokaseven days; the seventh day of the month
*七夕Tanabatathe Tanabata (Star) Festival



ジユウ JŪ ジッ JI' とお to と to

In the character 十, 一 represents east-west, while I represents north-south; thus, 十 signifies all directions. The idea of complete and the association of the number ten derived from this meaning.


Example Sentences

1. 十月の祭日はいつですか。

Jūgatsu no saijitsu wa itsu desu ka.

When is the public holiday in October?

2. 準備体操を十分にして下さい。

Junbi taisō o jūbun ni shite kudasai.

Don't rush through your warm up.

3. 駅まで歩いて十分です。

Eki made aruite juppun (jippun) desu.

It's a ten-minute walk to the station.

4. 今年の春休みは十日間でした。

Kotoshi no haru-yasumi wa tōkakan deshita.

My spring vacation this year was ten days long.

5. 食べ物の好みは十人十色。

Tabemono no konomi OA jūnin tiro.

When it comes to food, there are so many people, and so many tastes.

Common Compounds and Phrases
十分jubunenough; plenty of
十分juppun, jippunten minutes
十人jūninten people
十分の一jūbun no ichione-tenth
十五夜jūgoyaa night with a full moon
十日tōkaten days; the tenth day of the month


man; people

ジンJIN ニン NIN ひと hito

The character 人 represents a side view of a person


Example Sentences

1. 妻はドイツ人です。

Tsuma wa Doitsujin desu.

My wife is German.

2. ご家族は何人ですか。

Gokazoku wa nannin desu ka.

How many people are there in your family?

3. ここは人が多い。

Koko wa hito ga ōi.

There are many people here.

4. 人のせいにしないで。

Hito no sei ni shinai de.

Don't blame it on somebody else!

5. このレストランはとても人気がある。

Kono resutoran wa totemo ninki ga aru.

This restaurant is very popular.

Common Compounds and Phrases
ドイツ人Doitsujina German; the Germans
日本人Nihonjina Japanese person; the Japanese
何人nan-ninHow many people?
*一人hitorione person; alone
*仲人nakōdoa go-between, matchmaker



ニ NI ふた futa ふた • つ futa(tsu)

Two lines are used to indicate the number two.


Example Sentences

1. 明日の午後ニ時に会いましょう。

Ashita no gogo niji ni aimashō.

Let's meet at 2:00 P.M. tomorrow.

2. 二月に二人目の子供が生まれる。

Nigatsu ni futarime no kodomo ga umareru.

My second child will be born in February.

3. 日本語検定の二級に受かった。

Nihongo kentei no nikyū ni ukatta.

I passed the second level of the Japanese language examination.

4. 二度と同じ失敗を繰り返すな。

Nido to onaji shippai o kurikaesu na.

Don't make the same mistake again (a second time)!

5. むこうに山がニつ見えます。

Mukō ni yama ga futatsu miemasu.

You can see two mountains over there.

Common Compounds and Phrases
ニ時nijitwo o'clock
二級nikyūsecond level (degree, class)
二度nidotwice; two degrees
*二日futsukathe second day of the month; two days
*二十日hatsukathe twentieth day of the month; twenty days
*二人futaritwo persons; two people
* 二十歳hatachitwenty years of age


to enter, to put in

ニュウ NYŪ い • る i(ru) はい • る hai(ru) いれ • る ire(ru)

The character 入 represents the entrance of a house.


Example Sentences

1. 手術のため入院した。

Shujutsu no tame nyūin shita.

I checked into the hospital to have an operation.

2. 収入が増えた。

Shūnyū ga fueta.

My total income has increased.

3. 今日の映画は気に入りましたか。

Kyō no eiga wa ki ni irimashita ka.

Did you like the movie, today?

4. 私は毎晚ふろに入る。

Watashi wa maiban furo ni hairu.

I take a bath every evening.

5. ポケットに手を入れないで下さい。

Poketto ni te o irenai de kudasai.

Don't put your hands in your pockets!

Common Compounds and Phrases
入院nyūinadmission to a hospital
収入shūnyūincome; earnings
記入kinyūan entry (in a ledger)
入学nyūgakuadmission into a school
入り口iriguchian entrance; an outset



ハチ HACHI ハツ HATSU や ya や • つ ya(tsu) やっ• つ yat(tsu) *よう yō

The character 八 represents something that can be easily divided in two, ie. the number eight.


Example Sentences

1. 日本に来て八年になる。

Nihon ni kite hachinen ni naru.

It has been eight years since I came to Japan.

2. これは八百年前の寺です。

Kore wa happyakunen-mae no tera desu.

This temple dates from eight hundred years ago.

3. 今日帰りに八百屋で買い物をしよう。

Kyō kaeri ni yaoya de kaimono o shiyō.

I'll shop at the vegetable store on the way home, today.

4. 彼はおにぎりを八つも食べた。

Kare wa onigiri o yattsu mo tabeta.

He ate as many as eight rice balls!

5. 八日は彼女の誕生日だ。

Yōka wa kanojo o no tanjōbi da.

Her birthday is on the eighth.

Common Compounds and Phrases
八年hachineneight years
八時hachijieight o'clock
八百happyakueight hundred
七転びnanakorobibouncing back after
八起きyaokibeing knocked down
*八日yōkathe eighth day of the month; eight days
*八百屋yaoyaa vegetable store; a greengrocer's


low; below; to go down

力 KA ゲ GE した shita しも shimo さ • がる sa(garu) くだ • る kuda(ru) お • りる o(riru)

The character 卜 represents something below a horizontal line; ie., something underneath.


Example Sentences

1. 下線を引いて下さい。

Kasen o hiite kudasai.

Underline (that word)!

2. 七月下旬に夏休みを取る予定です。

Shichigatsu gejun ni natsuyasumi o toru votei desu.

I'm planning to take my summer holidays at the end of July.

3. テーブルの下で猫が眠っていた。

Tēburu no shita de neko ga nemutte ita.

A cat was asleep under the table.

4. パソコンが値下がりしている。

Pasokon ga nesagari shite iru.

The prices of personal computers are dropping.

5. 友達とカヌーで川を下るつもりです。

Tomodachi to kanū de kawa o kudaru tsumori desu.

I'm planning to go canoeing downriver with a friend.

Common Compounds and Phrases
下線kasenan underline; underlining
下旬gejunthe last third of the month
靴下kutsushitasocks; hosiery
*下手なheta naunskillful; poor at



コウ KŌ ク KU

くち kuchi

The character ロ represents the shape of a mouth.


Example Sentences

1. 都市に人口が集中する。

Toshi ni jinkō ga shūchū suru.

The population is concentrated in the cities.

2. 非常口はあそこです.

Hijōguchi wa asoko desu.

Emergency exits are located over there.

3. 試合に負けて口惜しかった。

Shiai ni makete kuyashikatta.

I felt frustrated after losing the match.

4. ロに虫が入った。

Kuchi ni mushi ga haitta.

A bug flew into my mouth.

5. 彼女は早口で話す。

Kanojo wa hayakuchi de hanasu.

She's a fast talker.

Common Compounds and Phrases
人口jinkōa population
口座kōzaa bank account
非常口hijōguchian emergency exit
改札口kaisatsuguchia ticket gate
出口deguchian exit
窓口madoguchia window; a counter
早口hayakuchirapid talking



サン SAN み mi み • つ mi(tsu) みっ • つ mit(tsu)

The character 三,three horizontal lines, represents the number three.


Example Sentences

1. 三月三日はひな祭りです。

Sangatsu mikka wa hinamatsuri desu.

March 3 is the Dolls' Festival.

2. 彼女はノートに三角を描いた。

Kanojo wa nōto ni sankaku o kaita.

She drew a triangle in her notebook.

3. 昨夜の三日月はきれいでした。

Yūbe no mikazuki wa kirei deshita.

The new moon was beautiful last night.

4. いとこに三つ子が生まれた。

Itoko ni mitsugo ga umareta.

My cousin gave birth to triplets.

5. 三つ質問があります。

Mittsu shitsumon ga arimasu.

I have three questions.

Common Compounds and Phrases
三ヶ月sankagetsuthree months
三角sankakua triangle; triangularity
三日mikkathree days; the third day of the month
三日月mikazukithe new (crescent) moon
三つ子mitsugotriplets; a three-year-old child



サン SAN やま yama

The character 山 represents the shape of a mountain with three peaks.


Example Sentences

1. お正月は富士山に登る。

Oshōgatsu wa Fujisan ni noboru.

I'm going to climb Mount Fuji at New Year.

2. 父は鉱山の技師でした。

Chichi wa kōzan no gishi deshita.

My father was a mining engineer.

3. 今年の夏休みは山で過ごした。

Kotoshi no natsuyasumi wa yama de sugoshita.

I spent this summer vacation in the mountains.

4. じやがいもを一山百円で買った。

Jagaimo o hitoyama hyaku-en de katta.

I paid a hundred yen for a pile of potatoes.

5. 百年ぶりに火山が爆発した。

Hyaku-nen buri ni kazan ga bakuhatsu shita.

The volcano erupted after an interval of 100 years.

Common Compounds and Phrases
富士山FujisanMount Fuji
山脈sanmyakua mountain range
鉱山kōzana mine
火山kazana volcano
下山gezanclimbing down a mountain
一山hitoyamaa pile; a heap; a mountain
山本YamamotoYamamoto (a name)

EXERCISE 1 (1 – 12)

A. Give the readings for the following kanji using hiragana or rōmaji.

1. 山

2. 口

3. 八

4. 人

5. 三

6. 九

7. 下

8. 七

9. 二

10. 十

B. Give the English meanings of the following words.

1. 二十一

2. 八人

3. 山

4. 七十九

5. 口

6. 九九

7. 三十八

8. 九十二

9. 下

10. 一人

C. Write the readings for the following kanji in hiragana.

1. 一つ (one thing)

2. 下さい (please)

3. 九つ (nine things)

4. 入れる (to put in)

5. 下がる (to come down; to drop)

6. 九人 (nine people)

7. 三つ (three things)

8. 入り口 (an entrance)

9. 七つ (seven things)

10. 人口 (population)


child; baby

シ SHI *ス SU こ ko

The character 子 represents a baby with a large head and both arms extended.


Example Sentences

1. 女子用トイレは二階です。

Joshi-yō toire wa nikai desu.

The women's toilet is on the second floor.

2. 様子を見ましょう。

Yōsu o mimashō.

Let's wait and see!

3. 子供が二人います。

Kodomo ga futari imasu.

I have two children.

4. もうすぐ子会社を作る。

Mō sugu kogaisha o tsukuru.

They are going to establish a subsidiary company soon.

5. 私たち親子は良く似ていると言われます。

Watashitachi oyako wa yoku nite iru to iwaremasu.

People say that my father and I look alike.

Common Compounds and Phrases
女子joshia girl; a woman; a lady
男子danshia boy; a man; a son
様子yōsua situation; a state; an appearance
親子oyakofather and son; mother and daughter
化子HanakoHanako (a name)
子供kodomoa child; a son; a daughter
子会社kogaishaa subsidiary; an affiliate



ジョ JO ニョ NYO *ニョウ NYŌ おんな onna め me

The character 女 represents a woman with arms and legs bent in a gentle posture.


Example Sentences

1. その人は女性ですか、男性ですか。

Sono hito wa josei desu ka, dansei desu ka.

Is that person a man or a woman?

2. 長女は九歳で。

Chōjo wa kyūsai desu.

My eldest daughter is nine years old.

3. 壁に天女の絵があった。

Kabe ni tennyo no e ga atta.

There was a drawing of a celestial nymph on the wall.

4. 店の外で女の人が待っている。

Mise no soto de onna no hito ga matte iru.

A woman is waiting outside the store.

5. すべての権利は男女平等であるべきです。

Subete no kenri wa danjo byōdō de aru beki desu.

All rights should be gender-equal.

Common Compounds and Phrases
女性joseia woman; femininity
長女chōjoone's eldest daughter
彼女kanojoshe; her
男女danjomen and women
天女tennyoa celestial nymph
女の人onna no hitoa woman; a female
女神megamia goddess


small, little

ショウ SHŌ ちい • さい chii(sai) こ ko お o

The character 小 represents a large object being chipped away at, leaving small pieces.


Example Sentences

1. あの子は近くの小学校に通っている。

Ano ko wa chikaku no shōgakkō ni kayotte iru.

That child attends a nearby elementary school.

2. もっと小さいものがほしい。

Motto chiisai mono ga hoshii.

I'd like a smaller one.

3. 小型車は、人気がある。

Kogatasha wa, ninki ga aru.

Small cars are popular.

4. みんなで小高い丘に登った。

Minna de kodakai oka ni nobotta.

We all climbed the low hill.

5. 新幹線は小田原に止まりますか。

Shinkansen wa Odawara ni tomarimasu ka.

Does the Shinkansen stop at Odawara?

Common Compounds and Phrases
小学校shōgakkōan elementary (primary) school
小型kogataa small size; miniature
小高いkodakaislightly elevated
小切手kogittea check (bank)
小山Koyama, OyamaKoyama / Oyama (a name)
*小豆azukian adzuki bean
*小雨kosamelight rain; drizzle


above; top; to rise; to climb

ジョウ JŌ *ショウ SHŌ うえ ue うわ uwa かみ kami あ • がる a(garu) め• げる a(geru) のぼ • る nobo(ru)

The character 上 was originally written ニ, indicating the area above a line. The vertical line was added later.


Example Sentences

1. 上等なカシミアのコートを買った。

Jōto na kashimia no kōto o katta.

I bought a high-quality cashmere coat.

2. その机の上にレポートを置いてください。

Sono tsukue no ue ni repōto o oite kudasai.

Please place the report on that desk.

3. 上着を着たらどうですか。

Uwagi o kitara dō desu ka.

Why don't you put on a jacket?

4. 川上さんを知っていますか。

Kawakami-san o shitte imasu ka.

Do you know Mr. (Ms.) Kawakami?

5. 急いで階段を上がった。

Isoide kaidan o agatta.

He hurried up the stairs.

Common Compounds and Phrases
上等jōtōfirst-class; superior
上着uwagia coat; a jacket; a blouse
川上kawakamiKawakami (a name) upriver
値上げneagea price hike
*上手jōzuskillful, good at



セン SEN ち chi

The character 千 is made up of the characters for イ person and, 一 one, which together represent thousands of people in a crowd.


Example Sentences

1. その会社の社員数は、約千人です。

Sono kaisha no shain'sū wa yaku sennin desu.

There are about one thousand employees in that company.

2. 税込み三千九十円です。

Zeikomi sanzen kyūiūen desu.

It is ¥3,090, including tax.

3. 妹は子供に千秋という名前をつけた。

Imōto wa kodomo ni Chiaki to iu namae o tsuketa.

My sister called her child Chiaki.

4. 慰霊碑に千羽づるを捧げた。

Ireihi ni senbazuru o sasageta.

The 1,000 paper cranes were dedicated to the cenotaph.

5. —万円を千円札にくずしてもらえますか。

Ichiman-en o sen'en-satsu ni kuzushite moraemasu ka.

Could you change 10,000 yen into 1,000 yen notes for me?

Common Compounds and Phrases
千人senninone thousand people
三千sanzenthree thousand
一千万issen-manten million
千円札sen'en-satsua ¥1,000 note
千羽づるsenbazuru1,000 folded paper cranes
千秋ChiakiChiaki (a name)
千代田区Chiyoda-kuChiyoda Ward



セン SEN かわ kawa

The character 川 represents flowing water.


Example Sentences

1. ただいま、河川工事を行こなっております。

Tadaima, kasen kōji o okonatte orimasu.

River conservation work is in progress.

2. 川上は流れが速い。

Kawakami wa nagare ga hayai.

The current is swift upstream.

3. 信濃川は日本で一番長い川です。

Shinanogawa wa Nihon de ichiban nagai kawa desu.

The Shinano River is Japan's longest river.

4. 先週、川原でバーベキューをした。

Senshū, kawara de bābekyū o shita.

Last week, we had a barbecue on a dry river bed.

5. 友達と川岸まで泳いだ。

Tomodachi to kawagishi made oyoida.

I swam to the riverbank with my friend.

Common Compounds and Phrases
河川kasena river
四川ShisenSichuan (a place)
川原kawaraa dry riverbed
川崎KawasakiKawasaki (a name / place)
小川ogawaa creek; Ogawa (a name)
川魚kawauoa river fish
川岸kawagishia riverside, a riverbank


great; big; large

ダイ DAI タイ TAI おお ō おお • きい ō(kii) おお • いに ō(i ni)

The character 大 depicts a person standing with arms outstretched, suggesting the concept of big.


Example Sentences

1. それは大問題になった。

Sore wa daimondai ni natta.

It became a grave concern.

2. 彼は大金を持っている。

Kare wa taikin o motte iru.

He has a large sum of money.

3. ネ雨になりそうだ。

Ōame ni narisō da.

It looks like we're in for some heavy showers.

4. 東京は巨大な都市だ。

Tōkyō wa kyodai na toshi da.

Tokyo is a huge city.

5. いつか大きな地震が起こるだろう。

Itsu ka ōki na jishin ga okoru darō.

A large earthquake will strike some day.

Common Compounds and Phrases
大問題daimondaia big issue; a real problem
大学daigakucollege; university
大金taikina lot of money
大切taisetsuimportant; precious
大雨ōameheavy rain
大型ōgataa large size
*大人otonaan adult


earth; soil; land

ド DO 卜 TO つち tsuchi

The character 土 represents a seedling emerging from a mound of earth.


Example Sentences

1. 昔は船で本土へ渡った。

Mukashi wa fune de hondo e watatta.

We used to go to the mainland by ship.

2. 土日は仕事が休みです。

Donichi wa shigoto ga yasumi desu.

We have Saturdays and Sundays off.

3. そのうち、東京に土地を買いたい。

Sono uchi, Tōkyō ni tochi o kaitai.

I'd like to buy some land in Tokyo some day.

4. 球根を土に埋めた。

Kyūkon o tsuchi ni umeta.

The bulb was buried under the soil.

5. 裏庭で土器を発見した。

Uraniwa de doki o hakken shita.

I found some old earthenware in the backyard.

Common Compounds and Phrases
本土hondothe mainland
土日donichithe weekend; Saturday(s) and Sunday(s)
土手dotea bank, embankment
土地tochiland; property
*土産miyagea souvenir; a present


ten thousand; all sorts of

マン MAN バン BAN *よろず yorozu

The character 万 derived from a pictograph of a scorpion pronounced man in Chinese. From phonetic borrowing and perhaps because scorpions were very numerous, the character became associated with ten thousand.


Example Sentences

1. サイクロンで十万人以上の死者が出た。

Saikuron de jūman-nin ijō no shisha ga deta.

The cyclone caused more than one hundred thousand deaths.

2. 昨日、一万円下ろしたばかりだ。

Kinō, ichiman-en oroshita bakari da.

I just withdrew ten thousand yen yesterday.

3. 万が一にもそんなことはないと思うよ。

Man' ga ichi ni mo sonna koto wa nai to omou yo.

There isn't a chance in a million that would ever happen.

4. 万国博覧会を一度見てみたい。

Bankoku hakurankai o ichido mite mitai.

I'd like to see an international exposition just once.

5. 防災に万全の備えをする。

Bōsai ni banzen no sonae o suru.

We will be fully prepared for disaster prevention.

Common Compounds and Phrases
十万人jūman-ninone hundred thousand people
一万円ichiman-enten thousand yen
万が一man'ga ichian unlikely event; by any chance
万年筆mannenhitsua fountain pen
万全のbanzen noperfect; flawless; sure
万国 博覧会bankoku hakurankaia world's fair


yen; circle; round

エン EN まる maru まる • い maru(i)

Originally 圓, this character consisted of ロ an enclosure and representing a round vessel. From this came the meaning of a round enclosure.


Example Sentences

1. コンパスで円を描いた。

Kompasu de en o kaita.

I drew a circle with a compass.

2. 百九十円の地下鉄の切符を買いなさい。

Hyaku kyūjū-en no chikatetsu no kippu o kainasai.

Buy a ¥190 subway ticket.

3. 円高が長く続いた。

Endaka ga nagaku tsuzuita.

The value of the yen was high for a long time.

4. 関東一円に大雨が降るでしょう。

Kantō ichien ni ōame ga furu deshō.

Heavy rains are expected throughout the Kanto area.

5. 夫婦円満の秘訣はなんですか。

Fūiu enman no hiketsu wa nan desu ka.

What is the secret of harmony for married couples?

Common Compounds and Phrases
九十円kyūjū-enninety yen
円高endakaa strong yen (rate)
円盤enbana disc
円満enmanperfection; harmony
円心enshinthe center of a circle
楕円daenan ellipse; an oval
円周率enshūritsupi; a circle ratio




The three horizontal lines symbolize heaven, earth and man, and the vertical line represents the person who connects them; namely a king.

GR 1 N2

Example Sentences

1. 国王は王子のときイギリスに留学した。

Kokuō wa ōji no toki Igirisu ni ryūgaku shita.

The king went to Britain to study when he was a prince.

2. エジソンは発明王といわれている。

Ejison wa hatsumeiō to iwarete iru.

Edison is said to be the 'King of Inventors.'

3. 王手!


Check! (in Japanese chess)

4. イギリス王室は最も古い王族のひとつです。

Igirisu ōshitsu wa mottomo furui ōzoku no hitotsu desu.

The British royal family is one of the oldest royal families.

5. 新しい国王が即位しました。

Atarashii kokuō ga sokui shimashita.

A new king ascended the throne.

Common Compounds and Phrases
国王kokuōa king; a monarch
王核ōsamaa king; His Majesty
王子ōjia prince
王女ōjoa princess
女王joōa queen
王族ōzokua royal family; royalty
王/坐ōzaa throne



力 KA ひ hi *ほ ho

The character 火 represents a blazing flame.


Example Sentences

1. 火事を発見して通報した。

Kaji o hakken shite tsūhō shita.

He discovered a fire and reported it.

2. 来週の月火は連休だ。

Raishu no getsu-ka wa renkyū da.

Next Monday and Tuesday are consecutive holidays.

3. 火を貸してもらえますか。

Hi o kashite moraemasu ka.

May I have a light, please?

4. 最終ランナーが、聖火台に点火した。

Saishū rannā ga, seikadai ni tenka shita.

The last runner ignited the Olympic cauldron.

5. 花火を見に行きましょう。

Hanabi o mi ni ikimashō.

Let's go to see the fireworks.

Common Compounds and Phrases
火事kajia fire
火災kasaia fire; a blaze
火力karyokuheat; firepower
点火tenkaignition; lighting
防火bokafire prevention; fireproof
火花hibanaa spark

EXERCISE 2 (13 – 24)

A. Give the readings for the following kanji using hiragana or rōmaji.

1. 女

2. 川

3. 千

4. 上

5. 万

6. 火

7. 円

8. 土

9. 小さな

10. 大きい

B. Write in kanji and kana.

1. adult

2. 8,000

3. to raise

4. ¥3,073

5. twenty million

6. a girl

7. to go up

8. Ms. Yamaguchi

9. nine thousand people

10. 7,020

C. Fill in the kanji according to the meanings provided.

1. じょし (a woman; a female)____

2. おおきくない (isn’t big) ____きくない

3. おがわ (a creek / Ogawa, a name)____

4. はっせんえん ( ¥8,000)____

5. かざん (a volcano)____

6. さんまんにん (30,000 people)____

7. おんなのひと (a woman) ____の____

8. せんえん (¥1,000)____

9. じょおう (a queen)____

10. かわかみさん (Mr. Kawakami)____ さん


moon; month

ゲツ GETSU ガツGATSU つき tsuki

The character 月 represents the crescent moon.


Example Sentences

1. 今夜は満月だ。

Konya wa mangetsu da.

There is a full moon tonight.

2. 三ヶ月禁煙した。

Sankagetsu kin'en shita.

I quit smoking for three months.

3. 燃えるごみは月•水に出してください。

Moeru gomi wa ges-sui ni dashite kudasai.

Please put out burnable trash on Mondays and Wednesdays.

4. 日本では学校は四月に始まります。

Nihon de wa gakkō wa Shigatsu ni hajimarimasu.

In Japan, school begins in April.

5. 月が雲に隠れている。

Tsuki ga kumo ni kakurete iru.

The moon is hidden behind the clouds.

Common Compounds and Phrases
満月mangetsua full moon
三ヶ月sankagetsuthree months
先月sengetsulast month
一月hitotsukione month
正月shōgatsuNew Year's



ゴ GO いつ itsu いつ • つ itsu(tsu)

In the character 五 the upper horizontal stroke signifies ten and the lower one one; the middle line represents the half-way point, five.


Example Sentences

1. 五月五日は子供の日です。

Gogatsu itsuka wa Kodomo no Hi desu.

May 5th is Children's Day.

2. 可能性は五分五分だ。

Kanōsei wa gobu gobu da.

There's a fifty-fifty chance.

3. 五百五十円になります。

Gohyaku gojū-en ni narimasu.

That comes to ¥550.

4. オリンピックの五りんマークのTシャツを買った。

Orinpikku no gorin māku no T-shatsu o katta.

I bought a t-shirt with the (five-ring) Olympic emblem on it.

5. 五つ星のホテルに泊まった。

Itsutsu-boshi no hoteru ni tomatta.

I stayed in a five-star hotel!

Common Compounds and Phrases
五日itsukathe fifth of the month; five days
五感gokanthe five senses
五十音gojūonthe Japanese syllabary
*五月晴れsatsukibarefine weather during the May rainy season



ゴ GO

The character 午 originated from a pictograph of a wooden pestle. It came to have the meaning of noon, the middle of the day, perhaps because a pestle hits the middle of a mortar.


Example Sentences

1. 午前中にこの仕事をやっておいて下さい。

Gozenchū ni kono shigoto o yatte oite kudasai.

Please attend to this business this morning.

2. 午後なら行けます。

Gogo nara ikemasu.

I'll be able to go in the afternoon.

3. 子午線は北極と南極を結ぶ線です。

Shigosen wa hokkyoku to nankyoku o musubu sen desu.

A meridian is a line that links the North and South Poles.

4. 端午の節句にこいのぼりを飾りました。

Tango no sekku ni koinobori o kazarimashita.

I raised a carp streamer on Tango no sekku.

5. 列車は正午に出発します。

Ressha wa shōgo ni shuppatsu shimasu.

The train departs at noon.

Common Compounds and Phrases
午前gozenmorning; A.M.
午前中gozenchūduring the morning
午後gogoafternoon; P.M.
子午線shigosenthe meridian (line)
端午の節句Tango no sekkuChildren's Day (May 5th)


now; this; present

キン KIN コン KON いま ima

The character 今 depicts something being covered to prevent its escape. The meaning of now and immediately perhaps came from covering it quickly.


Example Sentences

1. 今週の予定を立てよう。

Konshū no yoteio tateyō.

Let's organize this week's schedule.

2. ただ今、電話中です。

Tadaima, denwachū desu.

He is on the phone at the moment.

3. 今朝は寒い。

Kesa wa samui.

It is cold this morning.

4. ただいま(今)。


I'm home!

5. 今度、いっしょに旅行に行きませんか。

Kondo, issho ni ryokō ni ikimasen ka.

Would you like to go on a trip with me sometime?

Common Compounds and Phrases
今週konshūthis week
今月kongetsuthis month
*今日kyō; konnichitoday; now
今度kondothe recent; next time
今夜konyathis evening; tonight
今頃imagoroabout now; nowadays
*今朝kesathis morning



シュ SHU て te *た ta

The character 手 derived from the shape of a hand with its five fingers extended.


Example Sentences

1. 彼に会ったとき握手した。

Kare ni atta toki akushu shita.

I shook hands with him when we met.

2. 別の手段を考えるべきだ。

Betsu no shudan o kangaeru beki da.

We should think of a different method.

3. やっとほしい本を手に入れた。

Yatto hoshii hon o te ni ireta.

I finally got hold of a book I had wanted.

4. あなたの手料理が食べたい。

Anata no teryōri ga tabetai.

I'd like to try some of your home cooking.

5. 彼は下手な日本語で話していた。

Kare wa heta na Nihongo de hanashite ita.

He spoke in broken Japanese.

Common Compounds and Phrases
握手akushushaking hands
手段shudana means; a way; a step
運転手untenshua driver
手に入れるte ni ireruto get; to come by
手料理teryōria home-made dish
手伝うtetsudauto help, assist
*下手なheta napoor, unskilled


little; few

ショウ SHŌ すく • ない suku(nai) すこ • し suko(shi)

The character 少 combines small 小 with an added stroke representing a sword. Thus it is a small object being made even smaller.


Example Sentences

1. 少々お待ち下さい。

Shō shō omachi kudasai.

Please wait a moment.

2. 少年少女向きの本を書いています。

Shōnen shōjo-muki no hon o kaite imasu.

I am writing a book aimed at young boys and girls.

3. これは幼少の頃の写真です。

Kore wa yōshō no koro no shashin desu.

This is a photograph of me as a child.

4. 昔、ここは客が少ない喫茶店だった。

Mukashi, koko wa kyaku ga sukunai kissaten datta.

This used to be a coffee shop with few customers.

5. 頭が少し痛い。

Atama ga sukoshi itai.

I have a slight headache.

Common Compounds and Phrases
少々shōshōa little; a short time
少なめsukunamea smaller quantity
少女shōjoa young girl
減少genshōa decrease; a reduction
最少saishōthe fewest; the youngest
多少tashōmore or less; rather
青少年seishōnenyoung people



スイ SUI みず mizu

The character 水 represents the current and ripples of a river.


Example Sentences

1. 水道代を払わなければならない。

Suidōdai o harawanakereba naranai.

I have to pay the water bill.

2. 水銀電池を使う必要がない。

Suigin denchi o tsukau hitsuyō ga nai.

We don't need to use mercury batteries.

3. 月•水•金は茶道を習っている。

Ges-sui-kin wa sadō o naratte iru.

I study the tea ceremony on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

4. 冷たい水が飲みたい。

Tsumetai mizu ga nomitai.

I want to drink some cold water.

5. 水平線に夕日が沈むのを見た。

Suiheisen ni yūhi ga shizumu no o mita.

I watched the sun set over the horizon.

Common Compounds and Phrases
水道suidōa water supply
水銀suiginmercury; Hg
水上スキーsuijō skiiwater skiing
水玉mizutamaa drop; a dewdrop a dot pattern


middle, inside

チュウ CHŪ*ジュウ JŪ なか naka

The character 中 represents an arrow penetrating the center of an object.


Example Sentences

1. 家は街の中心から少しはなれている。

Ie wa machi no chūshin kara sukoshi hanarete iru.

My house is a short distance from the center of town.

2. 彼は電話中です。

Kare wa denwa-chū desu.

He is on the phone.

3. 私立の中学校に通っている。

Shiritsu no chūgakkō ni kayotte iru.

I attend a private junior high school.

4. 体中が痛い。

Karada-jū ga itai.

I ache all over.

5. 冷蔵庫の中にビールが入っている。

Reizōko no naka ni biiru ga haitte iru.

There's beer in the refrigerator.

Common Compounds and Phrases
中心chūshinthe center; the middle
電話中denwa-chūon the phone
中学校chūgakkoa junior high school; a middle school
途中tochūon the way; en route
中指nakayubithe middle finger
*体中karada-jūall over (one's body)
*一日中ichinichi-jūall day (long)



テン TEN あめ ame *あま ama

The character 天 combines the characters 一 and 大.大 represents a person while 一 suggests that which is above a person, namely heaven.


Example Sentences

1. 今日はいい天気ですね。

Kyō wa ii tenki desu ne.

The weather's beautiful today, isn't it?

2. この部屋は天井が低い。

Kono heya wa tenjō ga hikui.

The ceiling in this room is low.

3. この石けんには天然香料が入っている。

Kono sekken ni wa tennen kōryō ga haitte iru.

This soap is naturally scented.

4. ぼくは天才じやないよ。

Boku wa tensai ja nai yo.

I'm no genius!

5. 今夜、天の川の写真を撮ってみよう。

Konya, amanogawa no shashin o totte miyō.

I'm going to take some photos of the Milky Way tonight.

Common Compounds and Phrases
天気tenkithe weather; fine weather
天井tenjōthe ceiling; the roof
天然tennennature; natural
天文台tenmondaian observatory
天野AmanoAmano (a name)
天の川amanogawathe Milky Way


day, sun

ニチ NICHI ジツ JITSU ひ hi か ka

The character 日 represents the shape of the sun.


Example Sentences

1. 日常会話には困りません。

Nichijō kaiwa ni wa komarimasen.

I have no problems with day-to-day conversation.

2. 彼女は映画の宣伝のため来日する。

Kanojo wa eiga no senden no tame rainichi suru.

She will visit Japan to promote her movie.

3. 先日はありがとうございました。

Senjitsu wa arigatō gozaimashita.

Thank you for (your help) the other day.

4. 今日は楽しかった。

Kyō wa tanoshikatta.

Today was fun.

5. 締め切りまであと三日しかない。

Shimekiri made ato mikka shika nai.

There are only three days until the deadline.

Common Compounds and Phrases
日常nichijōdaily; every day
日本Nihon / NipponJapan
日記nikkia diary; a journal
先日senjitsuthe other day; a few days ago
日付hizukea date; dating
*昨日kinō / sakujitsuyesterday


a father

フ FU ちち chichi

The character 父 derived from a pictograph of a hand gripping a stone axe, which represented someone with power, namely, a father.


Example Sentences

1. 祖父は九十歳です。

Sofu wa kyūjussai desu.

My grandfather is ninety years old.

2. 父は若い頃テニスの選手だった。

Chichi wa wakai koro tenisu no senshu datta.

In his younger days, my father was a tennis player.

3. お父さん、このふた開けて。

Otōsan, kono futa akete.

Dad, open this lid, will you?

4. こちらは叔父です。

Kochira wa oji desu.

This is my uncle.

5. 父の日のプレゼントはイ可がいいかな。

Chichi no Hi no purezento wa nani ga ii ka na.

I wonder what (present) I should get my father for Father's Day?

Common Compounds and Phrases
祖父sofua grandfather
父母fubomother and father
父兄fukeiparents; guardians
神父shinpua priest; a father
父の日Chichi no HiFather's Day
*叔父ojian uncle
*お父さんotōsana father; Father

Japanese Kanji Power

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