Читать книгу Algorithms For Dummies - John Paul Mueller, John Mueller Paul, Luca Massaron - Страница 24

Facing problems that are like brick walls, only harder


An important consideration when working with algorithms is that you can use them to solve issues of any complexity. The algorithm doesn’t think, have emotion, or care how you use it (or even abuse it). You can use algorithms in any way required to solve an issue. For example, the same group of algorithms used to perform facial recognition to act as an alternative to computer passwords (for security purposes) can find terrorists lurking in an airport or recognize a lost child wandering the streets. The same algorithm has different uses; how to use it depends on the interests of the user. Part of the reason you want to read this book carefully is to help you solve those hard problems that may require only a simple algorithm to address.

Algorithms For Dummies

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