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Going random and being blessed by luck


Solving a search problem using brute-force techniques (described in “Avoiding brute-force solutions,” earlier in this chapter) is possible. The advantage of this approach is that you don’t need any domain-specific knowledge to use one of these algorithms. A brute-force algorithm tends to use the simplest possible approach to solving the problem. The disadvantage is that a brute-force approach works well only for a small number of nodes. Here are some of the common brute-force search algorithms:

Technique Description Cons Pros
Breadth-first search Begins at the root node, explores each of the child nodes first, then moves down to the next level. It progresses level by level until it finds a solution. Must store every node in memory, which means that it uses a considerable amount of memory for a large number of nodes. Can check for duplicate nodes to save time and always comes up with a solution.
Depth-first search Begins at the root node and explores a set of connected child nodes until it reaches a leaf node. It progresses branch by branch until it finds a solution. Can’t check for duplicate nodes, which means that it might traverse the same node paths more than once. It’s memory efficient.
Bidirectional search Searches simultaneously from the root node and the goal node until the two search paths meet in the middle. It’s time efficient and uses memory more efficiently than other approaches, and it always finds a solution. Complexity of implementation, translating into a longer development cycle.
Algorithms For Dummies

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