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Representing the problem as a space


A problem space is an environment in which a search for a solution takes place. A set of states and the operators used to change those states represent the problem space. For example, consider a tile game that has eight tiles in a 3-x-3 frame. Each tile shows one part of a picture, and the tiles start in some random order so that the picture is scrambled. The goal is to move one tile at a time to place all the tiles in the right order and reveal the picture. You can see an example of this sort of puzzle at https://www.proprofsgames.com/puzzle/sliding/.

The combination of the start state, the randomized tiles, and the goal state — the tiles in a particular order — is the problem instance. You could represent the puzzle graphically using a problem space graph. Each node of the problem space graph presents a state (the eight tiles in a particular position). The edges represent operations, such as to move tile number eight up. When you move tile eight up, the picture changes — it moves to another state.

Winning the game by moving from the start state to the goal state isn’t the only consideration. To solve the game efficiently, you need to perform the task in the least number of moves possible, which means using the smallest number of operations. The minimum number of moves used to solve the puzzle is the problem depth.

You must consider several factors when representing a problem as a space. For example, you must consider the maximum number of nodes that will fit in memory, and whether the number of nodes that memory can support matches the expected number of nodes necessary to solve the problem, which represents the space complexity. When you can’t fit all the nodes in memory at one time, the computer must generate them only when necessary and then discard the previous nodes to free memory or store some nodes in other locations. To determine whether the nodes will fit in memory, you must consider time complexity because longer algorithm runs determinate the maximum number of nodes created to solve the problem. In addition, it’s important to consider the branching factor, which is the average number of nodes created at each step in the problem space graph to solve a problem. For the same solution, an algorithm with a higher branching factor will generate more nodes than one with a lower branching factor.

Algorithms For Dummies

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