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Over the past quarter-century, many writers have helped shape these stories. The most important and most enduring is my longtime editor and father-figure, Bard Young. He is my harshest critic, and I love him for that. Every writer should have such a mentor. Also, I received a great deal of incite from Rod Clark. During my years as a Fellow at Binghamton University, Jamie Wriston-Colbert and Jack Vernon gave me useful advice on the craft of writing fiction. I’d also like to thank James Michener, James Dickey, Ursula K. LeGuin, Denise Levertov, John Updike, John Gardner, Saul Bellow, Bill Kinsella, Norman Mailer, James Welch, Ralph Ellison, Michael Dorris, Frank McCourt, Ray Bradbury, and J. D. Salinger. I’d also like to thank Larry Vienneau for the striking cover design.

Stories in this collection have appeared in the following periodicals: Aurora, Powder, Provincetown Arts, Pearl, Witness, Quick Fiction, Talkeetna Times, Fiction International, Rosebud, Buffalo Carp, Prairie Schooner, and Terminus.

Alaskan: Stories From the Great Land

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