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4 The Fruit of Love


In spite of all indignant protests to the contrary, the fact remains that love, its problems and its conflicts, is of fundamental importance in human life and, as careful inquiry consistently shows, is of far greater significance than the individual suspects.

Carl Jung; Two Essays in Analytical Psychology

The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.

Somerset Maugham; The Summing Up

To love and be loved is among the highest of human pleasures. The three warmest words to hear and to say are “I love you.” Where hate brings contention, strife, faultfinding, and bitterness, love brings patience, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, and joy. Where hate brings destruction and unhappiness, love brings life and happiness.

Saint Paul said that love is “the greatest.” Jesus listed it as the top commandment, summing up the works and teachings of all the laws and prophets. More songs are written about love than anything else. But few of us really understand love.

It is the fate of sensual love to become extinguished when it is satisfied; for it to be able to last, it must . . . be mixed with purely tender components—with such, that is, as are inhibited in their aims.

Sigmund Freud; The Letters of Sigmund Freud

From Karma to Grace

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