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The Science of Love


From a scientific point of view, love is a combination of the forces of evolution and biochemistry.

Evolution’s unswerving drive for survival of the species has grabbed onto human bonding because the weaving of pairs of individuals into interdependent couples increases the reproductive success of the parents and the survival rate of their infants.

Evolution has developed a human body that is loaded with powerful chemicals to help ensure the success of human bonding. The “love chemical” is phenylethylamine (PEA). When this is released in the brain of any human, he or she will feel uncontrollably amorous, romantic, and “turned on” by the person who is the object of these feelings. Follow this up with a little oxytocin (often called “the cuddle chemical”), and you have the lovemaking sensations of relaxed satisfaction and attachment. For the relationship to endure, however, endorphins must be released in the brain. If they are, then the love relationship endures.

Evolution’s drive—to create human bonding for the greater good of the species—and powerful biochemistry make love one of the strongest forces in human nature.

The emotion, the ecstasy of love, we all want, but God spare us the responsibility.

Jessamyn West; Love is Not What You Think

From Karma to Grace

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