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Waking Up Your Fingers with Some Practice Exercises


The point of a warm-up is to get your hands and fingers moving on the guitar from a cold start. Physically, you’re simply stretching the muscles (or muscle-tendon units) and enabling blood to flow more freely through them. You don’t need to play a masterpiece to do that. In fact, you shouldn’t play anything too taxing, strenuous, or complicated when warming up. In this section, we ease you in with some simple exercises that are sure to wake up your fingers better than a second cup of coffee.

Warm-ups are important, and you need to put the time in, but you don’t need to devote too much time to them — especially if you’re going to be playing scales and arpeggios as practice anyway. In that case, you can just go right to the scales, taking them slow and easy as if they are your warm-up. But, if you’re going to use a separate warm-up exercise, remember that you don’t have to limit yourself to the patterns presented here. Some guitarists — notably Carlos Santana — like to warm up by playing along with recorded music. Try a combination of activities and see which ones best get you pumped and primed for playing.

Guitar Exercises For Dummies

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