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Horoscope for 2019 Major Trends


One of the major headlines this year is Uranus’s move out of your sign (where he has been for the past seven years) into Taurus. This happens on March 7. You’ve been dealing with sudden personal changes for many years. You’ve been reinventing yourself and upgrading your image constantly. You’ve been breaking free of old relationships and personal limitations. These lessons have been learned, and now – from March 7 onwards – you’re going to be financially more experimental. The financial life will become exciting, but insecure and unstable. More on this later.

Jupiter will spend almost all year in your 9th house. This is a strong position for him as he will be in his own sign and house. Thus this is a year for foreign travel. It is especially good for those either applying to college or already there. It shows success in these endeavours. Those of you involved in legal issues – lawsuits and the like – should also have successful outcomes.

With both Saturn and Pluto in your 10th house of career all year (and with Jupiter entering the 10th house on December 3), you’re in a very strong career year. You’ll be working hard and be very serious about it. And, if you put in the work there will be success. There’s more details on this later on.

Neptune, your spiritual planet (and also the generic spiritual planet) spends the year in his own sign and house – your 12th house. He is powerful there and thus the year ahead is also very spiritual. This has been the case for some years and the trend continues. More later.

Mars and Venus – two very important planets in your chart – will be moving forward all year, showing good forward progress in love, finance and in personal matters. It shows confidence in these areas.

Usually in a given year there are two solar eclipses. This year we will have three, impacting on your children or the children figures in your life and indicating more change and drama in their lives than usual.

Your most important interests this year will be the body and image (until March 7); finance (from March 7 onwards – and for many years to come); religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until December 3); career; and spirituality.

Your paths of greatest fulfilment will be home and family; religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until December 3); and career (after December 3).

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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