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Finance and Career


Very important financial things are happening now. You had a foretaste of this last year as Uranus flirted with your money house. Now, on March 7, he is moving in there for the long haul. So, in finance, expect the unexpected. By the time Uranus is finished with you, in seven years’ time, you will be in completely different financial conditions than you are now – radically different. They will also be much better. However, in order for your financial prayers to be answered, things need to be shaken up. Obstructions need to be blasted away. There is a need to learn to handle the insecurities that change brings.

Uranus is the planet of innovation and experimentation. So you are throwing out all the old financial rule books – all the old tried and true methods – and discovering what works for you personally. Experiments sometimes fail but these are temporary setbacks and you learn from them. Often, however, experiments succeed, and when they do earnings will skyrocket beyond belief. Money and earning opportunities can come in unexpected ways, out of the blue, and often when things seem darkest.

Uranus is a planet of extremes. The financial highs will be super-high, but the lows can be super-low too. Make sure you set aside money from the good times to cover the bad periods.

Uranus favours the new, and thus you’re attracted to start-up companies and even start-up industries. He rules the high-tech world – computers, software, the online world. He rules companies that are involved with new inventions and innovations. These are all alluring and you have a good feeling for them. You can even be involved in radically new technologies. In fact, whatever you’re actually doing, your technological expertise is important. By all means invest in technology – get the latest software, apps and computers.

Uranus also rules science and astrology. So astrology can be important in earnings – perhaps through consultations or investment. Your friends seems rich and seem supportive and provide financial opportunity too.

Venus, your financial planet, is a fast-moving planet (not as fast as the Moon or Mercury, but faster than all the others). In a given year she will move through all the signs and houses of your chart. (This year, indeed, she will make one-and-a-third turns around your chart – she moves faster than usual.) Thus earnings and earnings opportunities can come in many different ways, depending on where Venus is and the aspects she is receiving. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the monthly reports. The good news is that Venus will move forward all year – a financial plus, showing forward progress.

The career is unusually active this year. Your 10th house is not only the strongest in the Horoscope, but will be the scene of three eclipses in the year ahead. So there is much change happening there. With Saturn and Pluto in your 10th house all year, you’re working hard and methodically. There is a beautiful, single-minded concentration on your goals, which is 90 per cent of success. This is not the chart of ‘overnight’ success, but of success that happens methodically and through steady, persistent work. It shows success earned through sheer merit and for no other reason. You simply must be the best at what you do. It might seem slow and boring, but the eclipses will come and blast away any obstructions and, suddenly, you’ll be where you want to be.

With Saturn in your career house bosses can be more exacting and demanding, and difficult to please. The cosmic way to handle this is to give them even more than they ask for. Pick up the burdens and go the extra mile. By the end of the year, as Jupiter moves into your career house, you can expect promotions (official or unofficial) and recognition. It shows success.

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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