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Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 28, 29

Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 26, 27

Best Days for Love: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 20, 21, 30, 31

Best Days for Money: 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31

Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30, 31

Retrograde activity among the planets is still intense this month, but less so than in July. On the 2nd, Mercury starts moving forward, and on the 11th Jupiter moves forward. But on the 12th Uranus starts to go backward. Again, patience, patience, patience. With this many planets retrograde, the cosmos is urging you to be more perfect in all that you do. Little mistakes can delay things even further. Go slow, steady and perfectly. This is, ultimately, the fastest way to your goals.

You have been in one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks since July 21, and this continues until August 23. It is not irresponsible to have fun now. It will actually increase earnings and lead to love. It will also have a positive impact on your health and well-being. The cosmos is often counter-intuitive.

The month ahead looks to be prosperous. It is a good kind of prosperity. A happy prosperity. Venus, your financial planet, will be in your 5th house until the 21st. This shows luck in speculations (I especially like the 8th and 9th for this). The 8th and 9th are days of very strong financial increase. It shows money that is earned in happy, joyful ways and that you’re enjoying the wealth you have, spending on fun and leisure and joyful activities. Those of you in the creative arts will find your work more marketable. Children and children figures seem supportive (and you could be spending more on them too). One of the problems here can be overspending. You earn easily and you spend easily. You’re an impulse spender. However, this will change after the 21st as Venus moves into Virgo, your 6th house of health and work. You will have more financial caution. You will seek value for money. You will be less speculative and down to earth. You will earn from work and productive service. Job seekers should have good success from the 23rd onwards as there are many job opportunities happening – even those of you already employed will have opportunities for overtime or second jobs.

Love is happy this month too. The 8th and 9th not only bring financial increase, but happy love opportunities and meetings. Love doesn’t seem too serious these days. Love affairs rather than serious, committed relationships are indicated. You just want to have fun and you’re probably attracting these kinds of people too. Love opportunities happen in the usual sorts of places this month (until the 21st) – at parties, resorts, the theatre and places of entertainment. After the 21st the workplace becomes a venue for love. But love can also happen as you pursue your health goals or with people involved in your health. One of the problems with Venus in Virgo is hyper-perfectionism and hyper-criticism. Do your best to avoid this – even in your thoughts.

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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