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(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

There’s very good news on the health front this year. There are no long-term planets in stressful alignment with you, so the health will be good. Sure, there will be periods in the year where health is less easy than usual, because of the transits of the short-term planets. However, these are temporary and not trends for the year. When they pass your naturally good health and energy return.

Uranus will be in your sign from March 7 onwards this year. This doesn’t show health problems per se, but there will be a tendency to test the limits of the body, to be experimental with the body. If this is done unthinkingly it can lead to injury. So, while it is good to test the body’s limits (we often set arbitrary limits that are not warranted), it should be done in a safe, supervised way. Martial arts, yoga and tai chi are all safe ways to experiment and to push your body.

Your empty 6th house is another positive health signal. It shows that you’re not paying too much attention here. You sort of take good health for granted, and you don’t need to focus overly much here.

Because the aspects are so good and there is more cosmic energy available to you, many of you with pre-existing conditions should notice improvements.

Good though your health is, you can make it even better. Give special attention to the following – the more vulnerable areas for Taurus (the reflexology points are shown in the chart above):

Important foot reflexology points for the year ahead

Try to massage all of the foot on a regular basis – the top of the foot as well as the bottom – but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’ as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and below them.

 The neck and throat are always important areas for Taurus. Regular neck massage should be part of your regular health regime. Tension tends to collect in the neck and needs to be released (craniosacral therapy is excellent for this).

 The hips and kidneys. These areas are also always important for Taurus. Regular hip massage will be very beneficial; this will not only strengthen the hips and kidneys but the lower back as well. A herbal kidney cleanse every now and then (if you feel under the weather) might be a good idea too.

Venus serves double duty in your Horoscope. She is both the ruler of your Horoscope and of your 6th health house. The ruler of your Horoscope can be compared to your ‘personal trainer’, while the ruler of your 6th house can be compared to your personal physician. Their roles are similar but distinct. The personal trainer is more concerned with cosmetic issues – the physique and personal appearance. The personal physician is concerned with overall health. The fact that the same planet serves both functions shows that for you, good health also means ‘looking good’. It shows that the state of your health (more than hosts of lotions and potions) determines the physical appearance. Stay healthy, Taurus, and you will look good.

Venus, as our regular readers know, is a fast-moving planet, and in any given year she will move through all the sectors of your chart. This year, however, she will move even faster than usual, going through some sectors twice. So there are going to be many short-term health trends, depending on where she is and the aspects she receives. These are best covered in the monthly reports.

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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