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Home and Family


Your 4th house of home and family is not a house of power this year. This tends to the status quo: you seem basically content with things as they are and have no need to make major changes.

Yet, in spite of this, there will be changes and disruptions. Every year there are two solar eclipses which impact on home and family (because the Sun is the ruler of your 4th house). This year – highly unusually – there will be three. Not only that, but there is a lunar eclipse on January 21 that occurs in your 4th house, bringing more disturbance. So there will be dramas in the family and in the lives of family members. Sometimes repairs are needed to the home – major ones. We will deal with this more fully in the monthly reports.

Uranus in your sign doesn’t necessarily show a move, although it signals great personal restlessness. A need for personal freedom. We could say that you have a passion for personal freedom, and some want no personal responsibility whatsoever. This often indicates someone who travels around a lot, someone who lives in different places for long periods of time, someone who is nomadic. You could still officially be living in your residence, but you’re a nomad.

Your family planet, the Sun, is one of the faster-moving planets. He changes signs and houses every month, so there are many short-term family trends that depend on where he is and the aspects he receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

With the Sun as your family planet you like a home that is beautiful and prestigious. You like the home to express your star quality.

One of the parents or parent figures in your life seems unusually devoted this year. He or she could be coming to visit for a long time. A move could happen for this parent or parent figure later on in the year – after December 3. Before then a move is not advisable. He or she seems more temperamental this year, more subject to mood swings.

Siblings and sibling figures in your life are having a great social year – and singles could marry – but a move is not likely. (There’s nothing against it, however.) Children and children figures are likely to move, and it looks happy. If they are of childbearing age, they are more fertile than usual. Grandchildren (if you have them) have been moving around quite a lot in recent years; this year they seem more settled.

If you’re planning major repairs or renovations (or if you plan to build a house), July 1 to August 23 would be a good time for this. If you’re redecorating on a more cosmetic level, or buying objects of beauty for the home, July 27 to August 21 seems a good time. Your taste will be excellent. (Mercury will be retrograde from July 7 to August 1, however, so avoid that period.)

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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