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ОглавлениеEdwin F. Kieckhefer is the vice president of the A. Kieckhefer Elevator Company, builders of both passenger and freight elevators in Milwaukee. He is classed today with the most enterprising, progressive and successful business men of the city, but not all days in his career have been equally bright. In fact, he has seen storm clouds gather, but though disaster has at times threatened him, he has with resolute courage and determination persevered in the pursuit of a persistent purpose and has gained a most satisfactory reward. Milwaukee claims him as a native son, and his birth occurred May 4, 1883, his parents being August and Anna (Buestrin) Kieckhefer, both of whom were natives of Milwaukee. The father was born on Cherry street in this city, while the mother's birth occurred on River street, when Milwaukee was but a comparatively small place. The paternal grandfather, Carl Kieckhefer, arrived in Milwaukee in 1851 and located on a place north of the present site of the Auditorium. He was a dealer in horses and also engaged in the teaming business. He likewise became president of the Union Cemetery and occupied that position for a quarter of a century. On the 25th of April, 1896, he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, an event memorable to all who participated therein. His widow died November 7, 1921, living to the remarkable old age of ninety-four years. Since pioneer times the family has been closely associated with Milwaukee's history and development and the name here has ever been a synonym for progress and improvement. Carl Kieckhefer was the father of four sons and two daughters: Ferdinand A. W., August C. F., William and Charles, all of whom have passed away.
August C. F. Kieckhefer, the father of Edwin F. Kieckhefer, is mentioned at length on another page of this work. Edwin F. Kieckhefer was educated in the public and high schools of Milwaukee and also in the Spencerian Business College, from which he was graduated. Throughout his active life he has been associated with elevator building, becoming an employee and later a partner of his father. He is now the vice president of the company and is thoroughly familiar with every phase of the business in every department of manufacturing and also with the sales end of the business. His father had had early experience in carpentering and building and when but nineteen years of age had become a partner of Henry Buestrin in the conduct of general cabinet work and house moving. In 1889 he organized the A. Kieckhefer Elevator Company, its plant being situated on Clybourn, between West Water street and Second street. In 1892 the firm built a factory where the plant of the Cutler-Hammer Company now stands and in the panic of 1896 Mr. Kieckhefer lost his property, but in 1898 he purchased the site occupied by the company today and here the business has since been carried on, at Nos. 1026 to 1104 St. Paul avenue. The company is engaged in the building of passenger and freight elevators, which are shipped to all parts of the world, even as far as China. In normal times the concern employs about one hundred and fifty people and the enterprise is one of the important productive industries of Milwaukee. It was with this concern that Edwin F. Kieckhefer became associated after completing his education and since that time he has been an active contributor to the growth and expansion of the business, while following his father's retirement from the active management thereof he was elected to the vice presidency. His associate officers at this time are: Henry J. Kieckhefer, vice president, and Arthur C. Kieckhefer, secretary and treasurer. There is still another brother in the family, August Kieckhefer, Jr., who is the champion three cushion billiard player of the world and conducts a large place of business at 20 East Randolph street, Chicago, Illinois.
On the 30th of December, 1910, Mr. Kieckhefer was married to Miss Jennie Klinger, a native of Wisconsin, born on a farm in Waukesha county, not far from Oconomowoc. Mr. Kieckhefer belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Milwaukee Lodge, No. 46, and the Knights of Pythias. He was the president of the Milwaukee Aquarium Society and finds great pleasure in raising gold fish. He has fish from all parts of the world in his private aquarium and has given exhibits all over the United States. He is also a lover of dogs and has many of the finest bred parti-color Cocker spaniels. He is vice president of the Wisconsin Kennel Club. He represents one of the old and honored pioneer families of Milwaukee, but it is not his line of descent that has won his enviable position in public regard. On the contrary it is his sterling worth, as manifested in business connections and in every relation of life, which has placed him before the public as one of the representative and valued residents of this state.