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Emil Reinholdt Binte, the pioneer chiropractor of Milwaukee, who is engaged in practice as a member of the firm of Binte & Binte, which was organized in 1910, is a native son of Wisconsin, his birth having occurred on his father's farm near Iron Ridge, December, 28, 1884. His father, William Binte, still resides at Iron Ridge, where he is living retired. The family has long been an influential one of Dodge county and Herman F. Binte, an uncle of E. R. Binte of this review, has served as sheriff of the county. The father, William Binte, was also born on the farm of his father, Ferdinand Binte, who was a native of Germany but came to the United States when quite young. Throughout his life to the time of his retirement William Binte followed the occupation of farming but is now enjoying in well-earned rest the fruits of his former toil. He married Louise Schultz, who passed away in January, 1905. She was born in Herman, Dodge county, Wisconsin, a daughter of Carl Schultz, who was a native of Germany and who became a Wisconsin farmer.

B. R. Binte was educated in the schools of Dodge county and in the Northwestern University at Watertown, Wisconsin. He also attended Hoffman's Metropolitan Business College at Milwaukee and in preparation for a professional career entered the Palmer School of Chiropractic at Davenport, Iowa, from which institution he was graduated in June, 1909, with the degree of D. C. For a time he practiced in Iron Ridge and since January, 1910, he has practiced in Milwaukee, save for a brief period which he spent in Chicago. He was licensed by the Illinois board of health, being the only chiropractor in Milwaukee who has achieved that distinction. He practiced in connection with his wife, Beryle H. Binte, who has largely assisted him in building up their practice under the firm style of Binte & Binte. She is a lady of splendid business ability as well as of marked skill in her chosen profession. They have offices at No. 404 Majestic building.

It was on the 19th of October, 1909, that E. R. Binte was united in marriage to Miss Beryle Holliday, a daughter of C. T. Holliday, D. C, of Broken Bow, Nebraska, who was born in that state, where he has won prominence as a chiropractor. In politics E. R. Binte is a democrat but has never been active in seeking office. His religious faith is that of the Lutheran church. He possesses great love for music and has a natural talent in that direction. He is fond of all outdoor sports, wrestling and baseball and he is likewise greatly interested in the arts, sciences and philosophy. Moreover, he possesses marked mechanical skill and ingenuity and applies his knowledge of mechanics to the human body. Moreover, he is capable in the field of teaching, imparting readily and clearly to others the knowledge that he has acquired. He belongs to the Milwaukee and Wisconsin Chiropractic Associations, also to the Universal Chiropractors Association and in his chosen life work he specializes in nervous disorders and chronic cases. His labors have been attended by a notable degree of success and his practice is now very extensive, the public thus manifesting its confidence in his ability and power in the restoration of health.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 5

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