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Dr. Henry J. Gramling, a well-known representative of the medical profession and now vice president of the Layton Park State Bank, was born in Dousman, Waukesha county, Wisconsin, May 23, 1874, his parents being Anthony and Theresa (Schetzler) Gramling, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father came to America in 1846, while the mother crossed the Atlantic in the '60s and both families settled in Waukesha county, Wisconsin, where they became identified with farming interests. His father held several offices in his village, being a man of prominence in his community and both he and his wife are deceased.

Henry J. Gramling was educated in the public schools and was reared on a farm. After leaving home at the age of twenty years he took up the study of medicine and matriculated in the Physicians and Surgeons Medical College at St. Louis, Missouri, from which he was graduated with the class of 1899. Immediately afterward, he located for practice at St. Martins, in Milwaukee county, where he remained for four years and then, seeking the broader field of opportunity afforded in the larger city he came to Milwaukee in 1903 and during the intervening period of eighteen years has built up an extensive and substantial practice. In 1903 he went abroad and pursued a postgraduate course in Vienna. Austria, covering six months study of medicine and surgery. While in Europe he traveled through Germany, Bohemia and Holland and had the opportunity of seeing the Kaiser, King Edward of England and Franz Josef of Austria, as well as Czar Nicholas of Russia. He benefited greatly by his studies abroad and in 1912 he pursued a postgraduate course in the University of New York and took postgraduate work in the Polyclinic College at Chicago. He was mustered into the United States army as a member of the Medical Corps at Fort Riley on the 23rd of August, 1918, being commissioned a first lieutenant. He was there stationed until honorably discharged on the 9th of December, following. He has served as one of the staff surgeons of Trinity Hospital and before entering the army taught in the medical department at Marquette. University. In August, 1920, he established the Gramling Clinic, of which he is the senior representative. He is associated with his two brothers, Dr. Joseph J. and Ferdinand Gramling, in the ownership of the Fort Gramling Farms, consisting of about five hundred acres at Dousman, Wisconsin, whereon they breed pure Holstein-Friesian cattle, having about one hundred head. They keep these cattle both for breeding purposes and milk production and conduct the business under the name of the Fort Gramling Farms.

Another feature of the business activity of Dr. Henry J. Gramling, who is regarded as one of the most energetic and enterprising business men of this section, is the Layton Park State Bank, of which he became one of the organizers and of which he is now the vice president. He aided in the incorporation of the bank and his sound judgment is a valuable asset in its management. The building occupied was erected by the Layton Park Holding Company, of which Dr. Gramling is the president. In all business affairs he manifests keen sagacity and sound judgment, carrying forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes, for when one avenue of opportunity seems closed he carves out other paths whereby to reach the desired goal.

On the 10th of July, 1900, Dr. Gramling was married to Miss Frances M. Link, of Burt, Iowa. They were reared together as school children and by their marriage they have become the parents of six children: Gregory, who is a senior in the arts and science department of the Marquette University; Henry J., who is a senior in the Marquette Academy: Robert, a freshman in Marquette Academy; William E., Frances K. and Anthony J., who are students in the parochial school of the Holy Ghost. As indicated the family is Catholic in religious faith and Dr. Gramling was active in the Catholic Federation of Wisconsin, of which he was serving as president of the county organization and for one term as secretary of the state federation. Along strictly professional lines he is connected with the Milwaukee Medical Society, the Milwaukee County Medical Society, the Wisconsin State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. Broad reading and study and the proceedings of these bodies to which he belongs keep him in touch with the most advanced thought and research of the profession and he has ever been a close student of the science of medicine and surgery, so that he has developed a high degree of efficiency and ability in his chosen calling.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 5

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