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This entire situation was getting out of hand and they were only on day two. Why had she thought this would ever work? For a split second, which was more than she could afford, she’d let her emotions take control, shoving aside common sense. When Mac had palmed her side, sliding his hand over her, she’d become fully engulfed in this charade. A charade she’d started.

Plus, her emotions were not getting the message to stay detached. When Mac had mentioned he actually had a jeweler, Jenna knew without a doubt he’d taken women there. Jealousy, table for one.

Gritting her teeth, Jenna tried to regain some control over her self-induced rage. This whole situation was her fault. Any hurt, anger or envy she had spearing through her was all brought on by her need to rid herself of Martin.

The door to the bungalow slammed behind her, but Jenna kept her back turned. She’d let her control slip. In all the years she and Mac had been friends, she’d joked about his other women, but she’d never, ever shown him how much she hated his playboy lifestyle. The moment had literally swept her away.

Jenna actually hated the jet-setting, womanizing part of his life even more than the secrets surrounding the mafia rumors. She had to say no to him because of his excessive lifestyle. She wanted to be special to any man she was involved with and being with Mac in an exclusive way wasn’t an option. He’d never made it a secret that he loved women, that he never wanted to settle down and find “the one.”


She stiffened at his demanding tone. Starting this second, she was back in control. This was her life and she needed to remember that Mac was her best friend. Always loyal, always willing to do anything for her...taking things any further would be a mistake. He’d come down here to help without hesitation and she wouldn’t repay him by dragging him into the middle of this battle between her heart and her mind.

Jenna spun around and met his questioning gaze. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to go all possessive girlfriend on you out there. I got caught up in the moment.”

Shaking his head, Mac crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You don’t like the idea of me buying jewelry for other women.”

No point in lying. “Fine. I don’t.”

With a defiant tilt of her chin, Jenna adjusted her sundress and mimicked his stance as she crossed her arms. “You flaunt women all the time and doing it now is inappropriate.”

There. That sounded convincing, didn’t it? Those penetrating eyes of his raked over her, sending shivers racing through her body. How could the man be so potent from across the room? Did he have a clue as to the damage he could do to her? Did he have any idea how difficult it had been for her to even ask him to step in?

Jenna was starting to wonder if she’d made a mistake. Too late for hindsight now.

“I had the necklace made for Laney on her twenty-first birthday.” The simple explanation made her feel utterly foolish...as she should because she had zero hold over this man.

“You were jealous,” he stated.

Jenna quirked a brow. “I was not. I expect you to remember what we’re doing this week and what your role is.”

Like a panther to its prey, Mac stalked across the room, his eyes locked onto hers. “Oh, I remember exactly what I’m doing here this week. The question is, do you?”

He stopped within a breath of her. His hands came up, tugging her arms loose until they fell to her sides, then he closed that final sliver of space. She had to tip her head up to look at him.

“Do I what?”

A muscle ticked in his jaw as he slid his hand up her arm, curled his fingers over her shoulder and replied, “Do you remember what our roles are? Seems to me you may have slipped into the position of my lover a bit too easily. Makes me wonder if you really do want to take advantage of this situation.”

Unable to think of some witty, snappy comeback, Jenna skirted around him and headed to the fridge. Grabbing the flowers, she unwrapped the layers of tissue and laid everything out on the kitchen table.

“We’re not lovers, Mac.” Her hands were shaking, but hopefully if she kept them busy, Mac wouldn’t notice. “We’re friends. Don’t read into this.”

In a flash, Mac reached out and gripped her hand. “This? Are you referring to your shaky hands or the fact you can’t look me in the eye when you lie? Or maybe you wonder what it would be like if we did sleep together and you’re afraid to admit it out loud.”

Without looking up, she jerked her hand back and attempted to separate the bundle of lilacs. “I’ve wondered,” she admitted. “Of course I have, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let it happen.”

When he said nothing, when silence filled the air like an unwanted third party, Jenna dropped the flowers and rested her palms flat on the table. With a heavy sigh, she dropped her head between her shoulders.

“Mac, after this week I still want you to be my best friend. No matter what you say, no matter what you may think is a good idea now, if we slept together we couldn’t take it back.”

Mac cupped her chin and turned her head. Jenna forced her eyes on his, because appearing weak was not an option.

“When I sleep with you, I won’t want to take it back.”

Jenna gasped at all the veiled promises in that statement. A reply was impossible as Mac slid his mouth over hers, but not in a demanding way like last time. No, this kiss was slower, seductive, yet more commanding.

The power she’d thought she possessed where Mac was concerned vanished the second his lips silently demanded all of her attention.

When he pressed his palm flat against her back, Jenna fell against his solid, defined chest. Instinctively, her arms looped around his neck, her fingers threaded through his coarse hair. Mac lifted his mouth from hers for the briefest of moments before changing the angle and going back in for more.

More urgent now, he reached behind her. Tissue paper rustled and a second later he gripped her waist with his hands, lifting her to the edge of the table. On every level she knew this was a mistake. Mac was used to this, to taking what he wanted when he wanted it. Jenna was more of a thinker, a planner...a dreamer. She couldn’t afford to be selfish and live directly in the moment. There would be consequences for every single action.

But right now, with his lips covering hers, then roaming along her jaw, Jenna tipped her head back and arched her body, consequences be damned.

“You taste so damn good,” he muttered against her skin.

Jenna continued to clutch the back of his shirt, battling herself as to whether she should push him away or let this glorious moment continue. How could she ignore this inferno raging between them? She’d never felt so alive, so out of control and on the verge of something utterly blissful.

The pounding on her bungalow door brought every tantalizing thought to a halt. Mac’s lips froze on the hollow part of her neck.

“Expecting company?” he asked, his voice husky.

Unable to speak, Jenna loosened her grip and shook her head.

Mac’s intense, dark gaze raked over her body as he slowly pulled away. Jenna realized her legs were spread wide to accommodate his body, her dress hiked up high on her thighs. Jenna jerked the hem down and hopped off the table. Mac moved across the room just as more pounding shook the door.

When he yanked the door open with more force than necessary, Jenna caught Martin’s angry gaze. His eyes darted from Jenna to Mac and back to her. Well, this is what she wanted...wasn’t it? She wanted him to see that she and Mac were serious. There couldn’t be any doubt as to what they’d been doing...or about to do. Her hair was tousled all around her shoulders, most likely her face was flushed and Mac was breathing a bit harder than usual. Her body was still very much tingling from the encounter.

Oh, mercy, had she honestly been about to have sex with her best friend on the kitchen table? Keep it classy, Jenna.

“Sorry, this is a party for two,” Mac said as he started to close the door.

Martin put his hand up, blocking the action. “Jenna. I need to speak with you. Alone.”

“You won’t be seeing my fiancée alone. Ever.” Mac’s voice had taken on a deadly, menacing tone, quite different from the sexy rasp he’d delivered only moments ago.

“Get the hell out of the way.”

Jenna stepped forward, placed a hand on Mac’s back and glared at Martin. “Whatever you want to say, do it quick.”

Mac tensed beneath her palm, but since this wasn’t a real relationship, she wasn’t about to let him ride to her rescue this time. Jenna could handle her own problems.

“Give me another chance. I know we can work this out.” Martin’s eyes seemed to implore her. “You don’t want to marry this guy. He’ll ruin you.”

Before she could stop him, Mac launched forward and fisted Martin’s shirt. “Get the hell out of here.”

Mac shoved him back out onto the deck leading to the bungalow. Jenna knew enough about Mac to know this was not the time to step in. He was angry, he was taking charge and he wouldn’t want her to intervene, even if this situation was all about her.

Martin knocked Mac’s hands away and took another step back. “You’d rather take a shot with this criminal than give me a second chance?” Martin asked. “That’s not the Jenna I know.”

Normally, Jenna wouldn’t side with a guy who was so aggressive, but she knew Mac. This was for show. He was only going along with her request to make their relationship look authentic. Wasn’t he?

He wasn’t about to unleash his rage here. Surely not. Mac definitely had a temper, but since none of this was real, perhaps he’d keep himself in check.

“You need to go,” she told Martin.

Once again his eyes darted between her and Mac before settling on her. “I hope you come around before it’s too late. The rumors surrounding his family are enough—”

Mac punched Martin in the face, sending Martin’s head flying back. Martin stumbled as he reached up to feel his jaw. Jenna gasped, gripping the door. Clearly Mac’s restraint had snapped.

“He just proved my point,” Martin spat out before turning and stomping away. “This isn’t what you need, Jenna.”

Despite the heat, a shiver rippled through her. Mac had gone too far, in more ways than one. Her body still trembled from having his mouth and hands all over her. Their relationship had crossed the friendship line because there was no way she could erase that memory. Then he’d gone and assaulted Martin. Granted, Martin was goading Mac on purpose, but Mac had lost his temper...an O’Shea family trait.

The polar opposite personas of Mac had been revealed within a span of five minutes. How could he be two completely different people?

Unsure of what to say, Jenna remained silent and went back inside. Her eyes immediately landed on the table, on the cleared-off spot where Mac had set her. The man could make her totally forget all common sense. But seeing him become so angry had snapped her back to reality.


Keeping her back to the door, she held up her hand. “No. I don’t want your apology.”

“I wasn’t going to give you one,” Mac retorted. “I’m not sorry I hit him. Nobody insults my family and nobody disrespects you. That bastard did both.”

Something about the way he was so adamant about defending those he loved made him even more attractive. But still, she had to wonder just how far he planned on taking this charade, not to mention how often his anger got the better of him. She’d heard things, ugly things, but she’d never seen Mac get violent before.

Jenna spun around. “I asked you to play the part of my boyfriend. Maybe I should’ve made things clearer from the start.” Gathering up the flowers on the table, she carefully repackaged them, wondering when she would ever find a moment’s peace to actually do her sister’s wedding arrangements. “I didn’t want a fake fiancé, I didn’t want you to punch my ex and I didn’t want you to cross the boundaries of our friendship by kissing me.”

Mac remained still, eerily so, as he locked his eyes on hers. “The fiancé reference slipped out. I will apologize for saying that, but I’ll never apologize for hitting a man who cheated on you and put you second in his life. I’m not sorry he’ll be wearing my fist impression on his face.”

Now he moved closer, closing the gap between them in two strides. “Don’t look at me like that, Jenna. It’s still me. I’d never raise my hand to a woman. I protect what’s mine and no matter what’s going on here, fake or real, you’re mine.”

Jenna’s breath caught.

“And I sure as hell will not apologize for kissing you,” he went on. “You didn’t say no. Far from it. I’ve wanted to for years and I plan on doing it again. This week, Jenna, you belong to me as more than my friend. You started this and I’m finishing it.”

He glanced down to the watch on his wrist. “Better shower up. We have a double date in an hour.”

With that, he stalked out the back door to the hammock and relaxed as if he didn’t have a care in the world, as if he was oblivious to the turmoil that raged within her. He’d delivered that emotionally packed speech, got her hormones good and jumbled then just turned to leave?

And she was his for the week? As in...his?

Both fear and excitement coursed through her. What type of beast had she unleashed?

Best Friends…To Lovers

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