Читать книгу Fun Start: An idea a week to maximize your baby’s potential from birth to age 5 - June Oberlander R. - Страница 36

Paper Noise This activity develops


 the small hand muscles

 enhancement of listening

 the desire to copy or attempt a task independently

 an awareness of the concept ‘inside’

Use any kind of paper that has been cut in squares of approximately 30 × 30 centimetres. Newspaper may be used, but remember the ink smears. Take one of the squares of paper and show it to the baby. Ball it up in your hands and make as much noise with the paper as you possibly can. Use another square of paper and ball it up close to the baby’s ear so that the baby can hear the crumpling sound better. Give the baby a piece of paper and encourage the baby to ball it up. If it is necessary, ball up a square of paper simultaneously to make sure that the baby understands what you want him to do. Repeat this activity as long as the baby remains interested. If there is no interest, try again later.

If the baby has been cooperative, encourage him to help you put the balls of paper in the rubbish or waste paper bin. Make a game of it by alternating with the baby in putting the balls in the bin. Praise the baby for any positive attempt that he makes.

At another time, choose a large toy and show it to the baby. Place the toy inside a box that has been stuffed with crushed paper. Close the box and encourage the baby to open it and find the hidden toy inside. The noise of the crushed paper will interest the baby. However, he may need help at first in finding the hidden toy. Repeat this activity and allow the baby to attempt to find the hidden toy independently. Praise him for any positive response. This helps to develop confidence and a good self-image. For further interest, you can change the object that is to be hidden in the box.

Fun Start: An idea a week to maximize your baby’s potential from birth to age 5

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