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Carrie and Lisa had just taken seats in the obstetrician’s office when Carrie’s cell phone buzzed. Smiling at Lisa, she said, “I’ll be right back,” and went around the corner from the reception area where the coat closet was located.

“Hello?” She recognized the number on her caller ID as the exchange of the hospital.

“Carrie? It’s Nancy. Can you talk?”

Nancy Allen was one of the nicest people Carrie knew. Always considerate, she genuinely cared about others, especially children. Carrie had discovered she was the nurse who had called the caseworker from Children’s Connection to help Lisa when the teenager had been brought into the E.R.

“Hi, Nancy. What’s up?”

“I know you took Lisa Sanders home with you and you probably have your hands full. But I wondered if you’re busy tomorrow morning? Sherry Winslow, who’s supposed to read to kids in Peds, caught a flu bug and can’t come. Are you available?”

Somehow Nancy always heard about everything. Lots of people had seen Lisa leave the adoption agency with Carrie. “I’m at the obstetrician’s office with Lisa now. Let me see how her checkup goes. If everything’s okay, I’ll be glad to read to the kids tomorrow.”

“That would be great. How’s Lisa doing?”

“As well as can be expected, I guess. I’ve spent some time with her. She’s really missing her parents and needs a listening ear to help her through this.”

A Precious Gift

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