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Will it matter, by and by,

When he calls us each by name,

Whether you, or whether I,

Win earth’s honor and earth’s fame?

Onward, in the rush of life,

For the prizes of the race,

Shall we mingle in the strife

Crowding others out of place?

Shall we seek Ambition’s goal,

Where the earthly treasures stay,

Passing by some helpless soul

Who has lost the Heavenly way?

If no kindness we have shown,

Seeking to be first of all,

Shall we gain a “welcome home”

When we hear the Master’s call?

When life’s busy day is past,

Will He question you and me

Who was first, and who was last,

In the worldly victory?

If earth’s laurels we have won,

And Heaven’s glories are denied,

Shall we hear the words: “Well done,”

And our souls be satisfied?

Ere the prize we seek is gone,

And the triumph comes too late,

Love of fame shall urge us on

But the angels whisper:—“Wait.”

Home Poems

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