Читать книгу Home Poems - Kate Louise Wheeler - Страница 25
ОглавлениеWhen the work of day is over,
And the weary hours are past,
Home lights, gleaming in the distance,
Fill the soul with joy at last.
Tho’ the trials have been many,
And the world has proved unkind,
Lights of home make burdens lighter
And refresh the wearied mind.
Some one where the lights are shining,
Knows that you are very near;
Some one waits to bid you welcome,
And invites to rest and cheer.
Some one loves you; all life’s crosses,
Which have seemed so hard to bear,
Are forgiven and forgotten,
When you see the home lights fair.
Some one knows that you are weary,
Some one waits to clasp your hand;
Some one watches near the home lights,
Who will surely understand.
Footsteps falter now no longer
O’er the distant homeward way;
There’s a message in the home lights,
At the close of busy day.
When the work of life is over,
And the weary hours are past,
Home lights, in Eternal glory,
Satisfy the soul at last.
Tho’ earth’s trials have been many,
And the world unkind has been,
Lights of Home dispel life’s burdens,
Christ will bid you:—“Enter in.”
Some One, where the lights are shining,
Waits to give your soul release;
Some One waits to bid you welcome,
You shall find both rest and peace.
Some One loves you; all life’s crosses,
Which once seemed so hard to bear,
Are forgotten in the glory
Of the Christ, who greets you there.
Some One knows that you are weary,
Some One gently takes your hand;
Some One knows your every weakness,
He—the Christ—will understand.
Footsteps falter now no longer,
O’er the weary earthly way;
There’s a message in the Home lights,
At the close of life’s brief day.
Thus on earth, and thus in Heaven,
Gleam the distant home lights fair;
Some one waits and some one watches,—
Some one here and Some One there.
Blessed home lights! May they ever
Shine for you and shine for me,
In the shadows of earth’s journey
And through all Eternity.