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When the hush of early morning

Ushers in the sunbeams fair,

And another day is dawning,

’Tis for you, I breathe a prayer.

Somewhere—all my love confessing

Ere the busy day is here—

You will need the morning blessing,

While the angels hover near.

Tho’ I hear not what you’re saying,

And I know not where you are,

Yet for you I shall be praying,

While the sunbeams fade the star.

When the moon-beams softly stealing

Thro’ my windows come to play,

And in robe of white I’m kneeling,

’Tis for you I fondly pray.

Somewhere—all my love confessing

Ere I close my eyes in sleep—

You will need the evening blessing,

While the angels guard and keep.

Tho’ I may not share your pleasure,

And I may not know your care,

Yet while God’s great love of treasure,

I shall breathe your name in prayer.

Home Poems

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