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Bath Foams and Oils


Whilst soaps are excellent, there are times when you want to wash with something for a special purpose but do not intend to use that product day in and day out, or even for weeks at a time. In such cases it is easier to make a small quantity of bath foam or oil for the purpose. For your base you can use any unscented bath foam or oil. Many people choose those intended for babies, although they do have quite a strong fragrance of their own. My personal favourite base is the plain foaming bath oil from The Body Shop, as it has oil in the blend and therefore takes up essential oils quite well, but it is not all oil and so does not leave you with a greasy ring around the bath.

Whatever your choice of base, there are two routes you can go down. One is to make up a quantity of your recipe and store it in a well-labelled glass bottle in a cool dark place between uses. The other is to make just enough for the one bath immediately prior to use. The following recipes are based on the one-bath recipe, using about a tablespoonful of your base foam or a teaspoonful of oil, so you will need to multiply up the ingredients if you are making a larger quantity.

When using essential oils in the bath you should make sure that the bathwater is not too hot – not only does this release the fragrance of the oils too quickly, but it can also be quite debilitating. Try to make your bathtime a relaxing event – don’t rush and hurry, and whilst in the water spend time focusing on what you are about to do. Try bathing by candlelight – it is an excellent way of setting a mood.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth

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