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Beauty Bath


Place a piece of amber in the bathwater (making sure you retrieve it before pulling the plug) and whilst bathing visualize yourself growing in beauty. Focus on your positive points; try not to think of any negatives at all. It is said that wearing amber also enhances beauty.

3 tsp lavender

3 tsp rose petals

2 tsp rosemary

2 tsp jasmine flowers

Of course you do not have to limit yourself to the recipes given here. Using herbs, flowers and essential oils you can create any number of your own bathing preparations. The secret to successfully creating your own recipes is to take your time in experimenting. Make sure you are relaxed, take a herb and smell it. What does it remind you of? How does it make you feel? Is it uplifting or relaxing? Does it remind you of spring, summer, autumn or winter? If it is edible, taste it and ask yourself the same questions. Secondly, keep a record of your experiments. If, after using a blend, you find you have vivid dreams, then make a note of it. Remember that everyone can react differently to different plants or blends. If a blend intended to give a good night’s rest makes you feel alert and ready to take on the world, then that is how it works for you. Above all, have fun with it.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth

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