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What Do Sociologists Do?


Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in sociology who seek employment immediately after college are most likely to find their first jobs in social services, administrative assistantships, sales and marketing, or management-related positions. The kinds of employment college graduates with a sociology major get are listed in Figure 1.1. With graduate degrees—a master’s or a doctoral degree—sociologists usually become college teachers, researchers, clinicians, or consultants (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018a). Some work for governments, whereas others work for businesses or public service nonprofit organizations.


▼ Figure 1.1 Occupational Categories for Sociology Graduates’ First Jobs

Source: Based on “21st Century Careers With an Undergraduate Degree in Sociology,” American Sociological Association, 2009.

Many sociologists work outside of academia, using their knowledge and research skills to address the needs of businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government. For example, they may work in human resources departments and as consultants for businesses. In government jobs, they provide data such as population projections for education and health care planning. In social service agencies, they help provide services to those in need, and in health agencies, they may be concerned with outreach to immigrant communities. Both sociologists who work in universities and those who work for business or government can use sociological tools to improve society. You will find examples of some jobs sociologists are doing in the Sociologists in Action boxes throughout the book. In addition, at the end of some chapters you will find a discussion of policy related to that chapter topic.

Thinking Sociologically

From what you have read so far, how might sociological tools (e.g., social interaction skills and knowledge of how groups work) be useful to you in your anticipated major and career or current job?

Our Social World

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