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Presenting the Findings.


One of the last steps in the research process, Step 8, is to draw conclusions and present the final report. The report includes a discussion of the results, draws conclusions as to whether the hypotheses were supported or answers were found for the research question, interprets the results, and (if appropriate) makes recommendations on how to use the findings. This report is usually reviewed by other social scientists, and feedback on the study is provided to the researcher. After this step, the report (if it holds up to peer review) may be publicly disseminated. As part of the presentation and discussion of results, reports often contain tables or figures presenting summaries of data to help the reader easily understand the patterns found in the data. The next Engaging Sociology (pages 48–49) provides useful tips on reading research tables found in journal articles, newspapers, and magazines.

Engaging Sociology

How to Read a Research Table

A statistical table is a researcher’s labor-saving device. Quantitative data presented in tabular form are clearer and more concise than the same information presented in several written paragraphs. A good table has clear signposts to help the reader avoid confusion. For instance, Table 2.1 shows many of the main features of a table, and the list that follows explains how to read each feature.


Table 2.1 Educational Attainment by Selected Characteristics: 2017, for Persons 25 Years Old and Over, Reported in Thousands

Our Social World

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