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WHY EXACTLY HAD he agreed to dinner out?

Stefano sat stiffly in a chair in one of Rome’s finest hotels. Jules and Lizzie were chatting nonstop about wedding preparations. And he wanted to be anywhere but listening to things like guest lists, linen choices and table settings. All it did was stir up long-forgotten memories.

His wedding to Gianna had started with such promise. Then the problems had set in—inconsequential things at first. A comment about a forgotten toothpaste cap seemed so minor. Then things escalated to a litany of how he’d lost interest in her. He’d thought it was what every married couple went through as they adjusted to married life.

He tried to do better. He started taking Gianna to Rome as often as his work would allow him to be away. She’d always loved the city. And he’d loved spoiling her. But when he’d mentioned starting a family, she’d gotten angry. She didn’t want to be trapped at the vineyard with a baby. She wasn’t ready to settle down into family life. She wanted the money the vineyard provided, but she didn’t want anything to do with a quiet country life. Stefano tried, but he just couldn’t understand why she didn’t want a family of their own. Wasn’t that just a natural progression of marriage—having babies?

“Hey, man, what has you so quiet?” Dante leaned back in his chair after the server removed the now empty dishes from the table.

“Nothing.” He shrugged off the unwanted memories.

“Don’t tell me that. I know you. And something is eating at you.”

It was true. His brother could still read him quite well. He’d really been there for him after Gianna’s death. And the fact that Dante had witnessed what he’d gone through after losing Gianna either made Dante brave for going ahead with this wedding or foolish. Stefano wasn’t sure which was the case.

“Are you really serious about wanting to move the wedding to this hotel?” Stefano wanted to turn the conversation away from himself. “I thought you wanted to get married at the vineyard. What changed?”

Dante raked his fingers through his hair. “The television people. They’re making it nearly impossible to do what we want with the wedding.”

“Then quit the show.” Stefano never did understand why his brother was so anxious to turn his life upside down for a television show.

Dante shook his head. “I can’t do that. We have a contract.”

“I’m confused. What does the show have to do with your wedding?”

“A lot.” Lizzie spoke up. All eyes turned to her. “That’s why we asked you guys to dinner. We had a long meeting with the executives, and they need us to step up our filming.”

“But why move the wedding here?” Jules echoed Stefano’s question.

Lizzie fingered the edge of the white linen napkin. “Because the time I have available to plan the wedding is very limited. I don’t know how often we’ll be able to get out to the vineyard before the big day. So if we have the wedding here in Rome, it’ll be more convenient.”

“But will it be what you truly want? After all, it’s your big day—the biggest of your life. Shouldn’t it be what you want and not what’s easiest?” Jules sent her foster sister a determined look.

Stefano didn’t think this wedding was such a great idea, but he had to agree with Jules. If it was going to take place, it should be what they wanted and not just what was most convenient.

“Jules is right.” Stefano could feel her wide-eyed stare, but he kept his vision on Lizzie before turning to Dante. “I don’t hear you saying anything.”

“I’m fine with whatever Lizzie decides. I want this wedding to be everything she ever dreamed it would be, whether it’s here or at the vineyard.”

“Thank you.” Lizzie squeezed Dante’s hand and gazed lovingly into his eyes. Then she turned to Jules and Stefano. “You’re right—you’re both right. The vineyard would be ideal. But—”

“No buts.” Jules crossed her arms. “We’ll make it work.”

Stefano shifted in his seat. Who was this “we” that she referred to? He didn’t say anything as he waited to find out exactly what she had in mind.

Lizzie peered at her sister. “I couldn’t ask you to do more than you’re already doing.”

“You aren’t asking. I’m offering.”

Stefano was starting to like the sound of this. If Jules was off planning a wedding, she’d be out of his way, and maybe then he wouldn’t think about those short skirts, the knee-high black boots or that little butterfly, whose purple wings at this very moment were peeping out over the plunging neckline of Jules’s purple top.

“And my brother will be around to drive you back and forth to the city. And whatever other help you’ll need.” Dante clapped him on the back and grinned at him as if he’d just caught him in a trap.

Stefano choked. How dare his brother automatically assume he’d be willing to continue his role as chauffeur. With all eyes on him, Stefano struggled for a neutral tone. “I have a business to run.”

“Papa will help out. After all, it isn’t harvest season. There shouldn’t be anything too pressing.”

Jules turned to him. Her eyes pleaded with him. And his resolve began to crack. Would it really be so bad? One or two trips to the city. Maybe three at most. It wasn’t like he’d be doing anything but driving Jules around. How hard could that be?

“I’d really appreciate your help.” Jules’s lips lifted at the corners, brightening the softly lit dining room.

And in that moment, the last of his resolve shattered.

“Just let me know what you need me to do.” Had he really just spoken those words?

Jules reached over and squeezed his hand. “I will. There shouldn’t be too much.”

Her smile reached her eyes and made them sparkle like gems. His chest filled with a funny sensation. Must be indigestion. No way was he falling for Jules. Of that he was certain.

* * *

What was up now?

Jules followed Lizzie to one of the hotel’s terraces with a marble statue and a beautiful view of the city. With no other people around, they could talk openly for the first time since she’d arrived in Italy. But what did her sister want to talk about privately?

“Lizzie, what’s going on?”

Her sister moved to the stone rail and stared out at the lights of Rome. They twinkled like rare jewels. But there was something more pressing on Jules’s mind—Lizzie. The longer her sister remained quiet, the more worried Jules became.

At last, Lizzie turned to her. “I just want you to know that nothing between us is going to change—”

“What? Of course they’re going to change. They have to.” Jules took a deep breath. It was time for a healthy dose of reality. “It’s time we both make lives of our own. Yours is here in Italy. Mine...well, I’m not sure where mine will be—”

“Yes, you do. Your future is in New York, getting your master’s degree. Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?” Without waiting for a response, Lizzie continued, “I’ve been telling everyone who would listen what a smart sister I have. I even mentioned it on an upcoming television segment.”

“You didn’t?” Jules’s stomach sank. Now the whole world would know when she dropped out. They’d all realize she was a failure.

Lizzie smiled and nodded. “I want everyone to know how proud I am of you.”

Jules knew she should tell Lizzie the truth right now, but as she looked into her sister’s eyes, her courage failed her. She just couldn’t formulate the words to tell Lizzie that she was never going to live up to those dreams. Everything was different now. She wasn’t the same girl with thoughts of changing the world.

“Don’t look so sad.” Lizzie squeezed her hand. “We’ll stay in close contact. We can get an international phone plan.” She smiled as though she’d just discovered the solution to world peace. “And we can text, email, chat on social media. It’ll be just like nothing changed.”

Jules pressed her lips firmly together as she sent her sister an I-don’t-believe-you look. Change was the only way either of them was going to be able to truly be happy. It was scary; that was for sure. But big changes always were unsettling. Right at this moment, Jules had to be the strong one.

“The truth is—” Lizzie’s eyes glistened with unshed tears “—I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Are you getting cold feet?” Whatever the problem was, they’d deal with it together, just like they’d been doing most of their lives.

Lizzie shook her head. “I love Dante. I love him more than I ever thought was possible.”

“Then what is it?”

“It...it’s you and me.” Lizzie sniffled. “It’s always been us against the world, and now I’m destroying that. I feel like I’m abandoning you.”

Jules gave her what she hoped was a reassuring hug and then pulled back. “Our family isn’t breaking up. It’s expanding. I’m excited to be gaining a brother. You know I’ve never had one of those, and I think it’s about time I did.”

Lizzie sniffled again. “You’re really happy about this? You aren’t just saying that to make me feel better?”

Jules’s finger crossed over her heart. “I swear.”

Lizzie dried her eyes and smiled. “Thanks. Now what’s this about you taking in a kitten?”

Stefano had mentioned it at dinner, and she’d known by the look on Lizzie’s face that it had piqued her curiosity. “Apricot is adorable.” Except when she tried to steal her pillow at night. “I can’t wait for you to meet her. You’re going to love her.”

Lizzie’s forehead wrinkled. “I didn’t even know you wanted a cat.”

The truth was she’d always loved cats, but with getting bounced around from home to home pets were out of the question—unless they were the plush stuffed ones. She was certain she’d mentioned wanting a cat in the past, but she hadn’t gone on and on about something that couldn’t be. What would be the point?

Jules shrugged. “I guess I’m full of surprises.”

“I guess we both are. Who’d have ever dreamed I’d be getting married and moving to Rome?” Lizzie sent her a hesitant look. “Are you sure about this? I mean, I could put the wedding off. You know...until you finish grad school.”

And the truth was that Lizzie would do that if Jules asked her to make the sacrifice. She just hated how insistent Lizzie was on her going to grad school. Maybe now was the time to tell her that she’d changed her mind. That she wasn’t up for any more school at this point in her life, and that after doing an internship at the social services office, she knew that she wasn’t cut out to be a social worker. She just couldn’t stuff her feelings in a box and do what was expected of her.

As it was, she’d spoken up one too many times and was asked not to return. But she just couldn’t stand by and watch as government guidelines overruled common sense. It was frustrating. Infuriating. There had to be another way to help deserving children in this world, and she hadn’t figured out how yet. But she would. One way or another.

“Lizzie, listen. About grad school, I was thinking—”

“That we haven’t thrown you some sort of celebration.” Lizzie smiled, and her eyes sparkled with happiness. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to steal your thunder with the wedding and all.”

“You didn’t. Honest.” The wedding was the best thing to happen as far as Jules was concerned. Her sister had more things to worry about than just her. “Getting married was something you and I never thought would happen for us. This is your chance to have a real family. You have to make the most of this—for both of us.”

Lizzie hugged her tight, and Jules blinked repeatedly, trying to keep the tears from splashing onto her cheeks. She’d been kidding herself. Sure, gaining the freedom to make her own choices would be great, but the price of giving up this close relationship was almost more than she could bear.

Lizzie pulled back. “Does this mean that we’re okay?”

Jules nodded while stuffing down the torrent of emotions churning inside her. She wouldn’t ruin this for Lizzie. After all Lizzie had done for her, she deserved every bit of happiness she could find in this life.

“We’re perfect. Now let’s go see what the men are up to.”

“Knowing those two, we might have to break up a sparring match.”

Jules gaped. “They don’t get along?”

“Oh, no. They get along. But when Stefano starts his big-brother routine, Dante takes matters into his own hands. They end up acting like two-year-olds.” Lizzie smiled and shook her head. “If only Stefano would realize that Dante is all grown up now and not in need of his brotherly advice.”

Jules wanted to say that it was like the pot calling the kettle black, but she refrained. She knew it all came from a special place in Lizzie’s heart. And now wasn’t the time to delve into that messy subject. It could wait until later.

Italian Maverick's Collection

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