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(I) EA– Pumps activation energy;

T – Absolute temperature;

λ – Ion channel wavelength;

? – [Quantum] efficiency;

S – Electron cross-section;

ΔCN – Particle concentration difference (molecule, atom, ion, electron),

there ξ=Pin/Pout=Cin/Cout

in/out – is membrane signal cascade channel in and out for electrons or ions.

Now we know that neurons are oscillators like atoms and electrons. Also they are truth table strings and thus functions witch synchronize neurons networks in neurons populations. Neurons have perception and impulse which can be generated with the help of ion pumps. Neurons synchronize groups on far distances, thus making networks unique. New formulas and graphics should clear some chaos in synchrony methods, explaining relations. Networks can be modulated with special signal and be synchronized on molecules level or agreed like oscillators providing connectivity in couples, quadric or even octal or more group member’s quantity. Also we should remember that networks can be active in asynchronous mode creating memory and everyday activity.

Aero Mobile New Orbital Extensions – II

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