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As we find out phonons, or elastic waves, could provide ionization in cells and membranes with vihrons and solitons. It related with magnetic mono fields. These flows accumulate power in cells and produce water and old materials clearance, also providing ATF synthesis. Ions diffuse through membrane and create metabolism, which delete insoluble materials through reins. Concentrations provide electrical impulse generation method with external magnetic field or chemical method without it.


Impulse count related with protoplasm pressure difference there:

Ω – Impulse amount;

P – Plasma pressure in Axon channel [dendrite, terminal, matrix];

Na – Avogadro constant.

Both electronic and chemical methods are metabolism on cells level. Impulse current is a spike in activation energy.

So we have come to thermo-nuclear ATF synthesis reaction with neurons impulse count sum as a reaction activation signal. Ions exchange mechanisms in cells function through synthesis energy and protons allow reaction progress. Now it is possible to calculate ions current in pumps and understand it magnetic field which has torus geometry. Also we have to remember that high temperatures affect proteins, thus we should understand that activation energy is energy with temperature limits.

Membrane currents and potentials become analogical to Hodgkin-Huxley model with several inputs in neuron and one output. Soon we will calculate magnetic field impact to current channels values and its energy. But now we can say that it has capacities and voltages.

Now we know that we can measure amperage of sodium and in the way of ions relation potassium amperage. Also it is possible to calculate magnetic field strength and element concentration in flow.

Ionization is plasma function that creates network with currents. Activation energy formula creates new relation between energy and entropy (enthalpy) with potential barrier.

Aero Mobile New Orbital Extensions – II

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