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What weather is it today and there are we? Here are questions we should ask ourselves. Third beginning is the most difficult. You need to explain the things, which you know and you don’t need to explain. Paradoxes are the theory explorations. We have electron acceleration maneuver with complex barrier. Phonon activations are two equilibrium distributions and Boltzmann kinetic dynamics. Sports are still interesting and music power with harmony is still original. 2-nd book is on sale. Life is coming to next spiral or spring lap. Current flow, gas is quantum particles assembly. So we archive line dynamics with several systems. Inductive inference machine is new language phrases. Economics in crisis, people economic are products. Balance in progress, constants – new measurements. Tomatoes holyday in Spain was some weeks ago. Kids are skating on short lifetime ice. We’ve found hyper sound. It is quantum with terahertz spectrum. Desktops are still in offices and they are asking for some maintenance. Laptops are not so fast but useful in flat space. Gravity is strong and effect is in power.

Earth field with moon give’s trivial strange attractor model that useful in dynamics and cosmic vision. Space maneuver gives acceleration and full energy equilibrium. It is New Year present with kid in family and mind in family round. Maybe it is time to think again about Perpetua mobile. In analysis we have add several factors and new parameters with energetic equilibrium. Space returns effect with new nature and minerals. May be it’s time to look at …thought drizzle. We are building the magnetic quantum gas with effect in dimension cycles and spirals as like our electric universe. Cube is nice move with vacuum semi-conductor. It gives new power with parameters and balanced load. We can look into the skies and find new constellation. Aero-transport is now probing the pressure. Antenna is solar panels voltage with control. Next stage is new wheels prototype and construction building.

Sadness can be the life page and the idea that is new composition or new light with flower regeneration. We coming to New Year than everything are moving on and become bustle. People looking souvenirs for family members and waiting like clock at 31 of December give time new lap with luck or faith and thinking soul. Enemies will try to convince you in weakness and disability but you will struggle with them and will try to catch a moment.

Aero Mobile New Orbital Extensions – II

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