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Unit 1
Revision of Tenses



Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:

As far as you remember, our friends went to the attic to find the old letters to reveal the truth.

Hundreds of tiny screeching fuzzy ***** with leathery *****, long toenails and dog snouts attacked them in the *****. Have you ever seen bats? For Kudjo and Luna it was the ***** time and, of course, they got scared stiff. They didn’t ***** immobilised by fear. The wave of bats knocked them down and vanished in the ***** of the forest.

While the dogs were lying there trying to ***** what had happened, they heard a strange fluttering *****. They went inside to investigate and saw a tiny grey *****, which had got stuck between two old floorboards. Luna begged Kudjo to help the bat get out of the crack. Kudjo knew that it was ***** to take bats in your hands only with thick gloves. They looked for something like ***** in an old chest of drawers and found some big leather *****. He took the ***** carefully while Luna was making the crack ***** with a poker. One minute more and the pup would be free.

(to be continued)


Change the sentences using the tense in brackets:

For example,

People are afraid of bats. (Present Perfect Continuous– People have been experiencing fear of bats for centuries.

1 The bat is making a clicking sound. (Past Continuous)

2 Some people call bats heroes of the night (Past Simple Passive)

3 People even celebrate Bat Week every last week of October. (Present Simple Passive)

4 Bats help foresters and farmers protect their crops from pests because bats can eat their body weight in insects. (Present Perfect)

5 Kudjo said that he loved bats because they can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes an hour. (Direct Speech)


Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1 Kudjo was astonished when he /tell/ that bats are not blind.

2 Kudjo thought that bats /use/ the attic for hibernation before the dogs’ coming there.

3 Kudjo just /read/ that bats live in friendly colonies, share information and food and even adopt orphans.

4 When Kudjo looked at the pup, which they /rescue/, it /hang/ upside down and /eat/ some insect.

5 It /believe/ that the first bats /discover/ 65 to 100 million years ago.


Find and correct mistakes in 4 sentences:

1 Kudjo and Luna took care of the pup, fed it with some insects and it told them the colony of bats has been living in the attic for a few months.

2 The pup helped them find the drawer where the old letters were kept.

3 Kudjo and Luna heard some voices outside. Luna’s parents had woken up and are trying to find them.

4 The dogs quickly opened the drawer and grasped a pile of letters, which were tied together with an antique box.

5 Kudjo and Luna kissed the little bat good-bye and ran downstairs, where they were looking for.


Chilly is texting a message to Kudjo. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses:

1Hi, Kudjo. How you /do/?

2 Guess what? I just /tell/ that we /come/ to you next month.

3 Everything /prepare/ for this trip right now.

4 Shopping lists /write/, clothes /sort/ out, the bags /check/ at the moment.

5 Luckily, I /find/ a quiet place where nobody can bother me. Oh no! My secret hideout /discover/. Ay me!


Choose the correct option:

1 The bats ***** a symbol of happiness in China and Japan.

a consider

b are considered

c will be considered

2 In cultural folklore, bats ***** as ingredients for medicines and potions in witchcraft.

a were used

b used

c are used

3 They say witches ***** bats to spy on people during medieval times.

a used to tame

b tame

c were used to tame

4 Researchers ***** bats groom themselves as cats do.

a have been discovered

b discover

c have discovered

5 Several animals such as birds, snakes, and weasels ***** to prey on bats

a are known

b be known

c know


Translate the story:

К счастью. родители ушли искать Куджо и Луну в другую часть сада, и им удалось выскользнуть из дома незамеченными. Они спрятали письма с коробочкой в своем тайнике под старой яблоней и побежали навстречу родителям. Те выглядели встревоженными, так как их разбудила и напугала невероятно огромная стая летучих мышей, которая пронеслась прямо над ними. Когда они увидели Луну, они сразу же успокоились и накинулись на нее с вопросами. Куджо и Луна соврали, что они ходили на озеро и не видели никаких летучих мышей. Они даже пытались убедить родителей, что им все это приснилось, как вдруг из чердачного окна вылетел малыш, которого они освободили. Родители Луны сразу бросились на чердак. Луна и Куджо вспомнили, что не закрыли ящик и бросились за ними. Они очень не хотели, чтобы родители увидели, что письма пропали…

(продолжение следует)

English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых.

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