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The Universe


Let us think not only about our origins but also about the organization of the world around us. Everything around us is incredibly ordered and has its causes. For example, a building does not build itself. It requires someone alive to want to build it, to have the knowledge of how to do it, and finally to begin construction. And only by this logic can a building be built. And thus, everything in the Universe has such a cause-and-effect chain of occurrence. Both the human mind and science talk about it.

Everybody knows the Big Bang Theory. This theory says that the Universe is not eternal and had its beginning from a small point that exploded, creating space, matter, time, energy – everything.

The Universe is not eternal – that's been proven for a long time. But like any structure, it didn't just appear for no reason. If there was this explosion of a point, it had ideal parameters and characteristics, otherwise everything that exists would not have appeared. This shows first of all that someone wanted to make that explosion, and then it was carefully designed and thought out, otherwise the explosion would be ugly and disorderly. We've all seen what happens when something explodes. But it takes incredible strength and power to organize such an explosion.

It turns out that someone has boundless power, knowledge, and authority, and the presence of a desire to do something tells us that he is alive. Again I conclude that everything has a Creator, a Primary Source.

Some more reasoning about everything being externally created. The argument for this is the orderliness in everything.

It is obvious to everyone that in reality any order is established by someone: in the apartment, in the closet, in the refrigerator, and so on. It does not happen by chance; only disorder can be created in this way.

To organize order, first of all, it is necessary to know how to do it, to calculate everything and think it over, using certain knowledge. Second, it is necessary to make an effort to move things to the right places. Third, it is necessary to have the desire to do all of this.

I come to the fact that order is always created by a living, reasonable, strong being, and cannot be made suddenly, especially on the scale of the Universe. And finally, in nature, everything around us has cyclicity and order. Day is replaced by night and night by day. A day is accompanied by the sun and a night by the moon. When the weather is good, the sky is clear, and when there is a storm, the sky is strewn with countless clouds. The motion of each celestial body is so ordered that man can determine its trajectory and travel time. Humans are born, grow up, grow old, and die, just like all life on Earth. Seasons come one after another: winter, spring, summer, fall. Everything in the world has an order, so everything is created by the Creator.

Everyone has a subconscious knowledge of the existence of the Creator, without any proof. Even an atheist utters the words, "Prove that there is a Creator of everything," and "Prove God to me". He is actually referring to the same Creator, Original Source, God, Who is known by all those who have come to the conclusion that there is a Creator of all things, and who is known to all believing, religious people. Why is this so? At all times, in every society, in every faith and religion, there has been, is, and will be the worship of God. This is the way human nature is set up by the Creator Himself. Everyone knows from childhood that love and kindness are good and death and evil are bad. The knowledge of the existence of the Creator is an innate ability, just like the knowledge of good and evil. In addition to this knowledge, a person can come to the same conclusion through the simple logic described above.

But it is impossible to prove the opposite, that there is no God, the Creator.

The only right way

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