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The right questions and meanings


Many people do not know what they are living for. This statement is true even for mature people who have lived quite a long life and who work in serious companies in high positions. I am talking about businessmen with considerable life experience. Can you imagine them not knowing what is worth living for? I can sort of understand why that is. It's probably because there are too many imperfections in the world, and they're disappointed in everything and everyone. Today wives cheat, friends cheat, and even family members betray. It is clear to any reasonable person that neither friends, nor work, nor even family can be the only meaning of life as such. All of these are goals that we want to achieve. We want to make our family happy and not in need of anything, we want to not betray our friends, and we want to not cheat on our wives. These are just our goals, which we do not always achieve, and often many people change their priorities in such goals. But neither wealth, nor the opposite sex, nor fame – nothing can be meaningful by definition. A person is satiated by everything if he has it. Either the most terrible question is the question of death. Many people think that either there is nothing in it or there is something, but they do not want to find out what it is. Also, the most difficult question is the question of God, and they do not think about it. It is as if they are ashamed to acknowledge Him or afraid to prove His existence or non-existence. They are afraid that if He is discovered, it will change everything, or if it becomes clear that He does not exist, everything will become even more confusing. The strange thing is that many people have a hard time accepting simple truths. We're ready to believe anything. Any kind of fairy tale, any kind of hypothesis. Even the monkey we all came from. We're willing to believe anything but the simple truth. It's like we have trouble living with common sense. It seems clear to everyone that "GOD" is the most common and natural concept. There isn't a person on earth who doesn't know about Him. Or death? Well, no man will avoid it. And whether we like it or not, it's everyone's immediate future. Or maybe you don't care about these questions? But indifference is a very scary thing. Indifferent people are more dead than alive. They have no interest in living. That's a terrible thing. If you want to have healthy views and not live in blindness and indifference, you have to understand the most important things. For example, what you live for. You have to know what the soul is, who is that being inside us that we are always talking about, arguing about, judging. Why do some people get everything and others get nothing? Where is justice in life? If there is a God. Why do billions of people believe in religions? If there is life after death. If there are rules for a happy life. What true success in life is. How to achieve basic mental harmony. What is the sense of life in general? A sane person should at least be concerned about these questions.

If a person does not fill himself with such meanings, he should force himself to do so, think again about the risks mentioned in the previous chapter, and realize that he will soon disappear, and not only he but also his dearest and closest people will one day disappear forever, as if they did not exist at all. Then try to accept these events as if they were happening today because it is inevitable anyway. Maybe then you'll start asking the right questions and looking for the right meanings. Maybe then you will wonder if the path of faith you have chosen is true. For most non-believers, truly, realistically accepting this will be much more difficult than believing in the Original Source and His Word – the Scriptures. For me, the truthfulness of the Holy Books is obvious. We do not leave "as if we never existed". And according to the holy texts, we are inscribed in the eternal book of life, where it is recorded how we have passed our earthly journey. And we will enter the true and eternal world of God, where we will be held accountable for how we have lived our lives. This is the truth, whether you choose the way of unbelief or the way of faith that is logically justified!

The only right way

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