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In search of the beyond


The need to plunge into reflection on the immaterial world is self-evident. If we assume that there is another world, a world of the intangible, the spiritual, or something else about which we have no idea, an infinite number of questions can be deduced from this assumption. How did that world come into being, who is the Primary Source there? We will never get an answer to all the questions about the immaterial world by reasoning based on some assumptions. But I am not going to do that, because there is no logic in that way of thinking. I cannot deny the existence of the spiritual world, but to find the answer to all questions about it, we need the help of something very authoritative, and worthy of our faith. It must be just as worthy of our faith as our realization of the existence of the eternal Original Source of all things. It is faith because we, humans, cannot understand the spiritual world visually, with physical evidence, any more than we can understand that the Original Source is eternal. I come to these conclusions through logical reasoning. We need the help of the most authoritative source of information about the spiritual, the best that mankind has in this matter, but in this source, the basis should be the axiom already proven above of the undoubted existence of the eternal Creator who created everything. All these criteria are undoubtedly met only by the so-called Holy Scriptures, and they alone are the books on which the monotheistic Abrahamic religions, or simply Abrahamic religions, are based. Monotheistic means based on the belief in one Original Source of all things, God. Abrahamic means originating with the prophet Abraham. By definition, these books are written according to the Word of the Supreme Intelligence, our Creator, the same eternal Original Source. That is why they are as worthy of people's faith as faith in the Original Source itself. It was with the descendants of the prophet Abraham that the transmission of information from the Creator to human beings began. This is the Holy Bible, which in its modern context consists of 66 books and the Holy Qur'an. I am not going to emphasize the different Abrahamic religions now, we will dwell on this issue a little later. The important thing is that we have something to start with when discussing the subject of spiritual, non-material things.

The question arises as to why these books are the best and most authoritative. And you try to find something more comprehensive, more orderly, more logical, more true in every matter, more famous all over the world than the Holy Scriptures. Believe me, they do not exist today. More authoritative, more intimate, more great works, in which everything is based on the axiom that there is one eternal Primary Source, I do not know.

Just as I came to the main logical inference at the beginning of this book about the existence of one eternal Primary Source, so the Scriptures say this. God is the one eternal Creator. And He is the Source not only of all material things, but also of what we humans call spiritual, and in general of everything that exists. Mankind always uses the best that is created, and it is right. Try to give up computers, television, the Internet, cars, and everything modern, and accessible, that simplifies our lives. That is why, I will take the best in the field of this information is the Scriptures. There are answers to all questions. Who is the Creator? What is the spiritual world? Why did He create us and everything around us, and for what purpose? And so on. It should be noted, as described above, that there is incredible orderliness in the Universe, such as the planets moving in their orbits in an orderly manner, entire cosmic systems being orderly to each other, everything on Earth being incredibly orderly, and also everything in the Scriptures being incredibly orderly, comprehensive, and majestic in every line.

Our earthly minds cannot answer all the questions that arise about the spiritual and the intangible. It is given to each of us to logically prove the most important thing – there is an eternal Creator of all material things, and indeed of everything our brains can imagine. After all, our brain is also created by the same Source. The logic described above is justified and clear, and besides, there is no more accurate, factual alternative to it. It is sufficient. Faith and contemplation (the process of knowledge) begin deeper than this inference.

And no matter how incredibly intelligent a person may be, no matter what heights humanity as a whole has reached in its development, no one will ever find answers to the infinite number of questions that arise deeper than this conclusion. Speaking of which, there is a phrase in the Holy Books that says, "A man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun." That is why we are given faith, which is exactly what begins after this point of cognition. Man cannot know all things, prove all things, see all things. He can come to a certain point with his mind, and from there he can only continue his journey with faith.

Obviously, there is no other information in the world today that is better known and more trustworthy, that has the answers to all questions, except the Holy Scriptures. Everyone has a choice, starting from the understanding of the existence of the one eternal Creator: either to search forever for answers to endless questions or to believe in the most organized and authoritative information – the Holy Scriptures, where there are answers to all questions. For me, there were no more reasons not to believe. In these Books, by the way, faith is the foundation of the basics, a kind of test, like a spouse's test of fidelity. And you have the choice to cheat or not, to believe or not. The only difference is that you can hide adultery from your wife or husband, but you cannot hide the fact of unbelief in the Original Source, God, from Him.

The only right way

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