Читать книгу The Virgin Diet: The US Bestseller - JJ Virgin - Страница 7
If you wanted to be your skinniest self and follow the healthiest diet in the world, what would you eat? Egg-white veggie omelettes? Greek-style nonfat yoghurt? Low-calorie whey protein shakes? A soy-based veggie burger on a whole-wheat bun?
That sounds like the regimen that famous trainers and A-list stars follow, doesn’t it? But what if I told you that I’ve been a sought-after fitness and nutrition expert for over 2 decades and worked with thousands of clients, including some of Hollywood’s hottest bodies? And what if I told you what I told them, which is that many of these supposedly healthy foods could actually be making you fat?
Well, that’s exactly what I am going to tell you. So listen up, because I’m about to share with you the secret to weight loss.
It isn’t calories.
It isn’t fat.
It isn’t protein.
It isn’t even carbs.
Sure, those things can be important. But you can count them, cut them, skinny them and swap them all you want, and you won’t lose weight if you’re eating foods that your body can’t handle.
The key to weight loss is avoiding and overcoming food intolerance.
You won’t lose weight if you’re eating foods that your body can’t handle.
Food intolerance is a series of physiological responses that your body has to certain types of food. They aren’t the same as allergies. Most people test negative for food allergies, but most people have at least one type of food intolerance, and many have several.
Food-intolerance symptoms vary from person to person, but the most common include bloating, wind, indigestion, fatigue, mental fog, irritability, moodiness – and weight gain. If you’re eating foods that your body can’t tolerate, you’re likely to gain weight, feel crummy and look years older than your actual age.
Most people ignore their bodies’ responses to the foods they eat, or maybe they search for ways to mask the symptoms. But weight gain, bloating and fatigue are not just annoying facts of life. They are your body’s way of telling you that you’re eating foods that aren’t working for you. Until you get rid of the foods that your body can’t handle, load up on healing foods and supplements and give your body a chance to recover from what you’ve unknowingly put it through, you are likely to gain weight, retain weight and suffer from premature ageing. Not a pretty picture.
Maybe your body is stressed because of your daily diet’s high content of sugar, artificial sweeteners and processed foods, which tend to contain lots of high-FI soy, corn and gluten. Or perhaps you’ve maintained a seemingly healthy natural, low-fat and low-carb regime but have never realized that all of your healthy efforts are being sabotaged by high-FI yoghurt (even nonfat), eggs (even omega-3-rich) and grains (even whole). Either way, if you weigh more than you’d like and look older than you’d prefer, you are most likely struggling with food intolerances.
How can you tell? Let me ask you what I ask my clients:
Have you tried unsuccessfully to lose weight?
Is what you used to do to lose weight no longer working?
Are you a yo-yo dieter?
Do you frequently experience discomfort after eating, such as bloating, wind or indigestion?
Can you only lose weight by starving yourself or exercising like a maniac – or possibly not even then?
Are you feeling and looking older than you should?
If the answer to even one of these questions is yes, you’ve likely been eating too many high-FI foods: problem foods that are likely to trigger food intolerance. What’s the solution? Stop eating high-FI foods and replace them with low-FI foods: foods that are unlikely to trigger food intolerance. If you can cut out the top 7 high-FI foods for just 3 weeks, you’ll see weight loss and beauty results that will have you looking and feeling terrific.
Hey, if those old low-fat, low-carb or high-protein diets had worked for you in the past, you’d already be at your ideal weight and peak vitality, right? There’s a reason that approach to food doesn’t work – and there’s a reason that the Virgin Diet does.