Читать книгу Drachenväter: Die Interviews - Konrad Lischka - Страница 12

Did they still have, when you worked there, the separation of the new building and the old building?


They had the new building when I got there. They had the huge warehouse and the new building, and the magazine's department where [...] [there] was a little annex in the new building. No, it was all lashed together. There were sections here and sections there, and the executives had their own little branch. Land was very cheap in rural Wisconsin, having space for everyone was not a problem. It was a very ramshackle office. I understand it was some needlepoint or hobby embroidery firm that owned the warehouse before TSR did, but you couldn't tell. It was cubicles and no real windows to the outside world.

Drachenväter: Die Interviews

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